Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dues and Don'ts

I've projected a Two World "Condition".  Joseph Campbell of The Hero With A Thousand Faces fame describes "Master of Both Worlds" a Heroic Individual who has "Mastered" Existence in the Realms of Heaven and Earth, which I have assiduously "dumbed-down" to Academia and Street/Gutter.  Because of my Education and Private Studies, because I have a Degree from a University and because of all my Street and Gutter Occupations, Trades and Experiences I feel that I am FULLY  Capable of "Operating" in the Both of these "Realms".  I know BOTH languages,  I've done my time and paid my dues. 

If only That was the Ease of it.

I got it rong.

The Worlds are  >>>   The World of NORMALITY and the World of Fantasy.

I don't speak the language of Normality no good.

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