Sunday, November 24, 2019

Suspended Suspension

This morning  I sat before this screen prepared, (I THOUGHT prepared) to do a HOLE Thing on the 10 Commandments, mainly because the other day, while I was doing laundry, this surfaced >>> "Thou shalt NOT bear (bare) false witness against thy neighbor" >> a "Thing" which the Swamp King Thing aka donald chump, sack-religions (sacrileges) simply as a matter of Course.  As I was typing I realized I was Empty, and NOT in a "good" Buddhist Way but in the Writer's Block-Head sorta way, the one where I approach the Abyss and see the Void and figure, wow, I got NOTHIN'. 

I pushed the seat back and went to lift but my old threadbare and nearly shredded Carhartt flannels, that double as pajamas, needed suspenders but when I went to locate them they became invisible---it's either that or I had to commit Suicide FOR FAILING TO REMEMBER THEIR EXACT LOCATION!   I tore up the Weight room, the (Can't) Walk Into Closet, the Cave and then back around AGAIN just on-accounta I'm INSANE.  There's NOTHING quite like self-brutality the one where mental flagellation is the ONLY way to punish one's-self for indiscriminate STUPIDITY.

WHY must I make a CONCERTED Effort to remember where I place important items ???????

What worse is that I IMMEDIATELY Elevate "suspenders" to Cosmic Ramifications.


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