Wednesday, November 6, 2019

No "Skin in the Game"

For those of us growing-up in the late 60's the Threat of Conscription was "over our heads" at all times, at least for us Males.  I had High School Classmates who KNEW they were going to Viet Nam and that was "IT" for them.  When I heard them laugh and joke about it I felt sickened.  At least I had a chance with a "2S" Deferment.  I played Little League, Junior High and High School Baseball with this guys, I could NOT understand the ease in which they viewed WAR.

The Deal with that shit is referred to as "Skin In The Game", our lives were "at Stake", we were lashed to the Mast, kindling and wood beneath our feet, because of the Prevailing Political Propensity to arrest the Threat Threat and Incursion of Communism, the one that bastardized, "Take Up The White Man's Burden" and transmogrifiablly ignited it into, "The RED Scare". 

I WAS SCARED. ALL of us were scared.  Every night on the Evening News we saw the corpses of the Heroic Fallen, being carried and dragged to impatient Huey "choppers", amid the background of Mindless Broadcasters trying to soothe us with, "Well It was a GOOD Day We killed more of them than they killed us."

It sickened me then--it sickens me now, but NOW it's even worse.  Know why ?


Know Why ?

No "Skin In The Game."

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