Friday, November 29, 2019

"Bathed In Lightning"

I have been indicted for "Using the Past to construct a Future" otherwise know as "Living In The Past"....  I have argued elsewhere that MY "Past" is the Foundation of TODAY'S Reality.  The Stephen that use to lift in his Youth >>  is the Stephen that CONTINUES to lift THESE days.  Then there's the Stephen who, In The Past, could NOT "write", and THAT "Stephen" must NOT be allowed anywhere the Modern Stephen who CAN ryte.  These tw o inhabit the SAME body but have completely DIFFERENT Minds.  Woe I say, WOE is me.

I cited the Tibetan Master Milarepa who, in his Youth, EXTINCTED villages and their residents with his Black Arts Sorcery .  Ugly was he, Hideous and Grotesque.  But then, Somethin' Happened.
He became the student of an EVEN  MORE POWERFUL THAN HE Master , who guided him to a Cave and condemned, "See you in T-W-E-N-T-Y  Y----E----A----R----S !!!!"

When Milarepa emerged he was BATHED IN LIGHTNING. 

From MONSTER to Bodhisattva >>>>>>

"Shit happens" and so does "Change".