When I hear," The Truth will 'catch-up' to you" I find it difficult to understand . The same with, "What goes around comes around" which some folks cite to explain punitive circumstances whether or not these circumstances are deserved . How is it that Truth can "catch-up" ? Certainly when you lie, Truth is left behind as NECESSARY abandonment . But Truth initially had no `punitive` characteristic in the first place ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or did it ?
We listen to others claim, "The Truth has caught-up-to donald j trump". "Caught-up-to" is awkward and almost unwieldy . Some of our parents cautioned, "Don't lie because the Truth will "catch up to you ." That the Truth will somehow carry punitive measures is implied. Your life will get worse, because Truth has 'caught up to you', meaning, lies [the act of lying] MUST be punished . Conformity to [adherence of] the Truth will keep you on, "The Straight and Narrow" ----which many think is egregiously restrictive, and intellectually suffocating .
Trump's Lies created an empire, now these same Lies have built that structure with 3 openings for the prisoner's head and hands, the one that contains the prisoner and exposes his head so that the victim populace can hurl rotten fruits and vegetables at his head--- oh - I have it, the word for that structure is PILLORY . {Old age sucks and then you can't even remember 5th grade words} .
Trump seated in the Courtroom, as I see it, ---> trump in the Pillory . 2 words : how I LOVE to see him in the Pillory . Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young sooth, "It's been a long time comin'---it's been a long L---O---N---G time. "