Monday, October 30, 2023

Obsidian Eye


                              We know that Democracy created the Atomic Bomb and used it to pulverize and incinerate THOUSANDS of Japanese INNOCENTS .   I'm fucking DONE with democracy .

            The folks who killed God found it EZ to euthanize Truth .   Justice was even EZ-er ---they blindfolded her and handed her an Excalibur that without SUPERIOR training, she could NEVER in a MILLION FUCKING YEARS, wield with ANY effectiveness WHATSOEVER .   In effect, they crippled her by providing that Weapon .   

            Oh how the Mighty Fall .

Rock steady ........  Steady az She goze ... .

"Slip-slidin' away ~~~"

                         I am exposed to an Imperative that Reasons there MUST be a parallel that somehow unites "Arising, Stability, Decline, Dissolution" with HUMAN {Spiritual} Characterizations .   The Standard March of Evolutionary Parade, according to this Imperative, MUST eventually fall-ter* and stumble due to that Cozmic* Absolute --- that Eventually* {now used as noun} transmogrifies to Inevitability, in this, there can be NO Escape .    Yet have we, as Planetary Society and Culture,, ACTUALLY   "reached our Zenith" ?   Are we, in fact, descending into the Hell of Madness, exhibited in American Politics and Global Spiritual Degeneration ??????


Where there's a Will,, there's a Won't

                              It's exquisitely 'safe to say' that Hysteria distorts Reality .  Indeed, we speak of "Blind Rage" , a Rage that Blinds .  We understand, "Fury knows no bounds" {where 'Fury' is a MONSTER}  .   We must force ourselves to `understand` that it is PAIN which is the root and source of Anger, Rage and Fury  and with this This, if Fear is added then the Result is Conflagrational* Extinction --- the INSANE Desire to End Suffering WHATEVER IT TAKES .  Here it is where the Barbarism of Savagery and Cruelty  are the Weapons of  the Suffering Stricken and Relief can be found ONLY in Vindictive, Psycho-Criminality which manifests as Human Atrocity .   Here it is where Life  HAS NO SIGNIFICANCE WHATSOEVER ,  where Civilizational" Humanity ia DYS-regarded* as being superfluous to Revenge-laden  ANIMALS .   Here it is where Life HAS NO MEANING and where DEATH is the ONLY  RELEVANT  Reality .  Here it is where there can be no VIRTUE, no HONOR .  Here it is where Ruthlessness is rewarded , where cut-throat beheadings are GLORIFIED .  

Instinct or Insanity ?? !!!

                             By 1974 R.D. Laing's  The Politics of Experience had undergone 12 Printings after the original 1968 First Printing .   His Message had been received and ALMOST `glorified` ---  I recall seeing it featured in the window of the College Hill Bookstore on the Campus of Brown University . ( I was still in high school  in 1968 and the Vietnam was still raging) .    Only ONE of  my  high  school  buddies  had bothered  to  read  it,  that  because  of  the  influence   of  his  older  sisters .  It wasn't until 1975 that I sat down with the good Doctor .

            Dr. Laing's claim, that Civilization had gone INSANE was viewed with skepticism among the Military Industrialists and recondite Intellectuals who fancied themselves as wisdom-laden pundits .   I viewed his World View as MONSTRUOUSLY* Beautiful .  His Effort to conceptualize War as ``PRIMITIVE``  ``Ritual``   made PERFECT Sense to me , for how can War, IN ANY MODE, be considered "Civilized" ???


"Heart of Darkness"


                              I am exasperated with the Media for NOT correctly identifying Hypocrisy as American Foreign Policy .    I am proud of having identified Hypocrisy as the Life Blood of Corruption within whatever 'body politic' that is being addressed .   Here it is where "White man speaks with forked tongue" suits the Media's assessment of Iranian "Influence" in Israel, Lebanon and Jordan .   Presently American "Influence" in Ukraine manifests as arms and munitions "Bank-Roll" .   For the American Media to claim "FOUL" because of Iranian Influence both in Hamas and Hezbollah is RICH .   Nothing has been mentioned about the AK-47's -- RUSSIAN weaponry -- as the "Standard Issue" of Iranian Assault Rifles even though production of this model MAY-BE part and parcel of Iranian Industry .   

            American jets have flown sorties into Syria W--I--D--E--N--I--N--G the War     the very "THING" about which they have warned Iran !!!!!!!!!   

            Across the Centuries Efforts have been made to "Civilize" War and the Fare of War .   When these Efforts are Violated the Offender is castigated and vilified --- yet the ESSENCE of War and the dire INABILITY to Confront the Human Failings that turn to War as "the only answer" remain despicablly* UN-addressed .  Here it is where Civilization reverts to it Origin    --->   Savagery and Bestiality .

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Born Again ....and again....and again ........


                             In Story-Telling  Romance johnson is none-other than "The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing".   He certainly 'looks normal' and, as we are SUPPOSE-TO-BE `well aware`,, "Looks are dysceiving*.   

            I beg to proffer that both America and Israel are ALSO Wolves who wear the cloak and reignment* of Democracy as "Sheep's Clothing" .  

            Within the scruff and manure of Idealist Imperialism can be found the Essence of Human Divinity ---the Desire to Create a Utopia of  Human Perfection .   

            Woody Allen tries to defend a tat .   He tells his proposed girlfriend, "I wanted 'Born to LOSE' but the tatooer got lost and tagged me with 'Born to LOOSE' ".  

             In a singular expression of exasperational* un-deniability an African General sneered, "There is WAR and there will ALWAYS BE WAR ! " 

             2 Words ::  "Born to Lose"

Rock steady ........Steady az She goze ... .

From Fixation to Fixnation*

                         Take one more step to the Right and you will see how the "Collective" is, in political actuality, an Army .   It is an Army where Hatred, Cruelty and FEAR are GOVERNMENTALLY* Legitimized in order to Intimidate , Subjugate and OPPRESS both Un and Dys* Believers .   Here it is where Governemental Authority is derived from Biblical MYTHOLOGY whose Truths MAY or MAY NOT be Verifiable given Present-Day INTERPRETATION .    No matter what, trumpism must-be viewed as KINGLY Despotism , the so-called "Divine Right" of  one MAN, whose MANIACAL Ambition manifests as "I am your Retribution".  

Apocalypse How ????

                         I know I run the risk of Impugning my Love for "Every-Day" Muslims who keep Allah Intimate by "Bowing" three times daily .    That "It" must be .   I have written elsewhere that Mohammed died BEFORE  establishing a Secular Judiciary, and worse,, a POLITICAL Authority with which to GOVERN his People .   Here it is where those close to Mohammed used the Qur'an [Koran] to manipulate the Devoted in such a was as to Establish and Develop a Teaching that soon bifurcated into Interpretational*  Hegemony which then resulted in the WARRING Factions of Shittes and Sunnis .   See that "SAME" in the American Nation of Trumpism where Conservatives try and hold together the great "Once Was"  while  holding  little  or  NO  Influence  over  Evangelical Fundamentalists  otherwise  newly regarded  as  Evangelical  White  Supremacists .  

Heck-of-a Mecca

                         There is VAST Intimacy between Islamic Sharia Law and the Laws within Deuteronomy that johnson and his seek to impose on the Nation of America .   Here it is where Individualism, a hall and benchmark of Ideational Democracy is de-valued in order to establish and maintain a Religio-Political COLLECTIVE , a one in which Individualism has been [all but] removed .   In this Regard, trump can be viewed as the evangelical's  "Mohammed" and johnson his "Mohammed Ali" .    Know that the Prophet Mohammed, in order to establish HIS "Religion", found it necessary to relent to his Intimates and wage war AGAINST HIS OWN, that HIS Authority and HIS Teaching be that of Allah, the Most Powerful .   Victory over the Infidels was PROOF of Allah's Great Power AND Mohammed's Authority-as-Teaching . 

"Torah, Torah, Torah"

                              I am struggling to connect the Old Testament to Modern Day Evangelical Christianity largely because I want to include Medieval Islam and ITS Struggle to manifest the Pre--Hadj "Enlightenment" of Mohammed with the Post-Hadj Reality brought about by Islam's most famous General Mohammed Ali .   I find it IMPOSSIBLE to regard mike johnson as a "Christian" since his blasphemy is as vast as the Ancient Persian Empire .   He aint no fucking Christian, he and his are Neo-Nazis and Neo-Confederates who have weaponized Old Testament  Fundamentalism and activated Deuteronomy to serve as Orientation, and worse, Trajectory  in order to RETURN to a "Stone Age" George Washington Feudal Plantationism*, that I have tagged as `Slavery Capitalism` .              

Rapture ---> Rupture


                        We have learned to "Sublimate our Rage" that  we may live in some sort of balanced Reality .    It as taken me several projects to do so .   How is it that an AVOWED  Seditionist has gained the Speakership* ???????!!!!    My Fury has no bounds ,  I've "eaten my liver", and had my spleen for desert ,,  such is the nature of my Bewilderment .    

            This surfaced a few daze* ago :    The "Rapture" has ALREADY Occurred --- No one made it --- We're still all here .

Saturday, October 21, 2023



                        Irish Catholics and Protestants reached the most profound and deepest Resolution----know what it was ???   Tolerance .    I have long sought to find a something which transcends Compassion --this day, as in right the fuck NOW,, I believe it to be {Irish} Tolerance .   The trite and cruelly superficial "Live and let live" surfaces as Cosmic Principle-bordering-on-Absolute .   IFF the Planet is to reach MY Utopic Vision -- a Present Day Vision of Future Remembrance, it is Tolerance (which MUST-BE something akin to Divine Spirituality), that  supplies the Socio-Political Trajectory of Deliverance .  

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .



In God We Lust

                         You can see it rite* ?   The Chasm now existing between what once was the Republican Party, that is now vestigial and has been supplanted by trumpism in all its Neo Nazi Neo Confederate Blasphemy, and the Democratic Party was `created` by the ABSENCE of Vigilance and a rabid abhorrence of "The Other" .   The marked Difference is FEAR .   Shiites and Sunnis do NOT "Fear" one another but DO Fear the Capability of Religious Power i.e., the rise of pseudo-Secular Authority, an Authority that is Imposed as "Divine Right" -  the supposed Actualization of Allah's Will as Interpreted by Philosophers and Qur'anic Theologians .   Here it is where trumpists have DENIED the foundation of Constitutional Structuralism* ---  the Authority of  the Constitution and its Amendments, supplanting IT with the Will of Capitalist Oligarchs who have taken MONUMENTAL Advantage of >>>Politics-as-Religion<<< .     

             I do not proffer this 'case'lightly .   Shiites WILL kill Sunnis --- Sunnis WILL kill Shiites both in the Name of Allah and without ANY regard for Civilian HUMAN Rights .   Trumpist are HELL-BENT on inflicting Cruelty-as-Governmental DIVINE RIGHT which manifests as a "Call to Arms" ,  to bring Violence, Blood-lust,, and Bloodshed to the Streets of  America with ISIS Savagery .

"The Cradle will fall"

                                  There exists a  Chasm between Shiite {she eye-t} and Sunni {sue knee} Theologies .  This Chasm exists because of interpretational* differences, and worse, governmental influences .    The closest analogy that can be made is of Catholic and Protestant "Isms" in Ireland wherein DESPITE worshiping the SAME GOD devouts* of both roiled in a self-imposed HATRED of one another, a BEWILDERING component of Religious Zealotry .   Shiites and Sunnis remain in a Hell of Paradox unable to Reconcile each others perceived Idolatry .  Middle Eastern Nations bound by shared History and Common Language are somehow OBLIVIOUS to the FACT that Allah is their ONE , The Supreme of Kindness, Compassion and Liberation .  "Is not Allah All Loving ?"   "Is  not  Allah  All   Merciful ?"   "Is not   Allah   Compassionate   to   ALL ?"       And yet  -----------  and yet .      How can they NOT  `manage`  Interpretation ???                                                 

Post Script for 10-20-23

Further Reading :

Mohammedanism          Gibb

The Middle East -- A History           Fisher

Medieval   Islam          Grunebaum

History of Islamic Peoples          Brockelman

Heretic          [Ayaan Hirsi]  Ali                                                                

Friday, October 20, 2023

Miss Isles

                         Germany was reduced to rubble by American B-17's and B-25's .   Japan was pulverized and incinerated by the Enola Gay .    Germany was rebuilt by American Constructionism* as was Japan .   After Gaza is reduced to rubble, pulverized and incinerated will Israel rebuild it ? 

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

" stupit to no know bettuh..."

                         When the West introduced The Iliad and The Odyssey to the Islamic Literary and Philosophic Intelligentsia,  the Works were summarily REJECTED .   Muslims had NO "taste" for Homeric Ideation and the Iliad's Military Values and Virtues .   This is why it is so mind-bendingly DIFFICULT to establish a Cease-Fire and open a Mind-Set for Humanitarian Discovery* .   To retrieve bodies, to enable Medical Care for the wounded and injured is blaspheme-ically UN-Desirable for Muslims whose Ancient {Medieval} Honor System Complexities INCLUDES Beheading and {Greek} Corpse Mutilations .   

            Know this :   The Nation of Islam is foundationed upon Mohammedanism and its FUNDAMENTAL REJECTION of the Future-------ANY Future .   The Nation of Islam is dependent upon Mohammed's PERSON  and HIS  definition of the Ultimate Reality, that of The INTIMATE Presence of Allah within the Minds, Bodies, Hearts and Souls of each and every Devout .   Mohammed did NOT establish ANY Order of Judges, nor Interpreters of the Qur'an thereby leaving Social and Governmental DYS-Order* as Day-To-Day Investiture .    The further the Society 'gets' from Mohammed and his Life the more DEGRADED his Teaching becomes which allows Political Impurity and Corruption to advance as Socio-Relgio Political Dogma. 


"Poor Me, Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me"

                         Both seasoned pundits and  wizened SUPER-Brains have been nothing short of unforgivably reticent to deliver the Truth about the True Nature of  Israeli / Gazan  Hatredism* --- a Hatred foundationed upon unceasing and unrelenting FEAR .  One Israeli Jewess expressed Militant Sorrow when she 'realed'*, "There is no place for us to go" --- a statement that defines BOTH Israeli and Gazan FEAR .  Her unabashed Statement REEKED of Orwellian Animal Farm Prophesy :   "We want ALL of us to be Safe, Prosperous and Secure, just not the Gazans " . 

"No Secrets"

                         Remember what Joe is :   A Man of a "bygone" "Era", a "Lone Ranger" Status Quo of 
"Yesteryear", of  "White Knight Chivalry" and "Dudly-Do-Right" Rescue -  the "Damsel-In-Distress" Liberator, whose Spiritual Trajectory was seen and BELIEVED to be the ULTIMATE in Male ConsciousNess* .    If you're seen the Face of Golda Meir, a Jewess of "Joan d'Arc" Magnitude, you can readily agree that she does NOT have, "The Face That Launched A Thousand Ships"--- and yet through sheer FORCE OF WILL she, "birthed" the Nation of Israel .  I LOVE her for that .  

            The speech writer LABORED to describe American Efforts as "Righteous" --- that Defending Israel with American Taxes was "The Right Thing To Do" {as if Carly Simon somehow entered the Geo-Political Realm of Foundational Exactitude}.  

            Biden's reading WAS Labored, his cadence stumbled along, as that of a cripple on a rocky stream-bed .    How many times in fifteen minutes, did we hear Joe utter the Ancient Western Movie cliche, "Meanwhile, back at the Ranch" as if and as though Iran, Russia and China shared some sort of Fortress-style Bunkhouse ?   It was clumsy at best, at worst, stutterable* .




                        The definition of sardonic is : "...bitterly sneering" .   I reside in Sardonia .   I waited for Biden's reading of Someone Else's speech with the quiet reserve of contemptuous skeptitude* .   The last and perhaps ONLY President I truly respected for Rhetorical Authenticity was Bill Clinton, a Rhodes Scholar .   

            First off, Joe looked horrible, what with his beady eyes and rancorous complexion, as if not even ONE red blood cell had found space on his aged face ---  which is NORMAL for those of the Ancient Age-Clime .   I don't fault him that, I am on my way there as well, there is no escape .    His speech was speckled with age-cough-clearing throat, the spittle and flem* loosened by dys-capular* lung function .  He never excused himself for that --- he passed it on like so much "Tough shit I'm old" excusation* .  

            In my Mind's Heart I KNEW the speech writer COULDN'T "Do" "It" --- to describe, explain the Connection between American Aid and Proletariat Work Force Anti-Socialism Anti-War Mongers .   The speech writer had to defend that Aid and in the process persuade Americans that American Socio-Political Foreign Policy actually PROTECTED Americans thousands of miles away from the Mid-East Battlefield of Gazan Genocide and Israeli Extinction .   




Wednesday, October 18, 2023

"Thar he blows"


                        For the first time in several years I am satisfied with this morning's Effort .   I will leave this here .

            Whatever Faith I have in the "System" is poisoned by Bitterness and Rage .   It will be nothing short of a fucking MIRACLE if the House dismisses jordan's Effort and finds in his stead a QUALIFIED candidate .  Vonnegut sneers, "And so it goes ."

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

Tattle Tales

                         There is the Continuum and there will always be the Continuum .   The Continuum is the Mental Existence of  Cyclic Eternity .   The Continuum conforms to, "Arising, Stability, Decline and Dissolution" .   "Change" is the Continuum's [Cosmic] Absolute .   The Continuum is  Guarded by the Tengu  of  which  I am  one  {along with Zen and Sword Master Fortin} .   My Writing Efforts are part of the Service to the Tengu [and therefore the Continuum] .   Know this :  Sword is a Vehicle upon which Time Travel is actualized .   I have seen the United Earth, indeed, I have been allowed to experience the quasi Utopia of Peace, Prosperity and Well Being that years upon Centuries had produced .   

            The 2nd Age of Enlightenment, which followed the Trumpian Dark Ages,  re-generated a sky-rocketing Interest in Machiavellian Political Structures .   Here it is where the "Enlightened Despot" gained Political Ascendancy .   This Enlightened Man  redesigned Democratic Ideology by RETURNING to what was the Best of Nascent American AGRARIAN Political Ideation*.   

            Knowledge of the existence of this Future is of little or NO solace whatsoever-- given the Death and Destruction that Present-Day Man inflicts upon the World .   

            Once the smoke clears and the dust settles-------then what ?


Colloidal Suspension


                        I sit before this machine in a 'perfect lotus' .   In between blogs I walk between rooms to ease my back and rest my knees .    From this 'walking Zen' ideas arrive that will sustain the trajectory of my Effort .   

            In the Music and Video Poetry Studio I have two Lava Lamps that both Enlighten and Endeaden* me .  They are of particular SUPER-Slow-Motion Grandeur .   They make me smile .

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Coward Caucus

                         Carelessness manifests as Cruelty .   Beneath Cruelty is both Weakness and Cowardice, indeed, the  tag  for  trumpist  Insurrectionism*  should  not  be  "the chaos caucus"  but the COWARD caucus .   There is not ONE 'True Man' within that caucus, nor in the entire [what-use-to-be]  GOP .   Statesmanship, in the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman Tradition ,  has all but evaporated due to the incessant friction generated by Hatred, Bigotry, Greed and Lust for Power .   Hare-brained Nit-Wits and SUPER-Brains agree that what was once the Republican Party will NEVER regain Socio-Political Acceptance because of the very Nature of Republican 1%-ism* .   Trumpist Insurrectionists are painfully "Woke" regarding this Existential TRUTH .   

Art's Trucking

                         The Art of Sophistry allows me to equate Hamas with trumpist Insurrection Idolatry .   There are differences of course, however, the Religious FERVOR with which Hamas conducts itself, in the Effort to Extinct Israel and its Inhabitants is the same as that of trumpist Insurrectionists, whose sole aim is the Extinction of Modern American Democracy, [what's remains of it] .  Hamas has literally 'taken' control of the Gazan Body and Mind Politic .   Of course this 'take-over' is Military in all its heinous {ISIS} Blasphemy .   In the same way that Hamas has NO >interest< in the [true] Well Being of the Gazan populace,  so  it  is  with  trumpist   Insurrectionists  who  care  little  of  the near  CATASTROPHIC Consequences of their Antebellum Socio-Political , Anti-Evolution ---> Radioactivity .   


Gun-shy Timidity


                        I  awoke  to  the  above  title .   It  was  stamped  on  some  form  of  document  not   a   blog ~~~ go figure .  It was 12:39 -- there would be no chance of returning to sleep .

            Yesterday's events were mind-bendingly* appalling -- hence the title .   The Hippie Warrior, Nicole Wallace, was at her "Huntress" Best .   How is it that jordan, the 2nd highest Insurrectionist and trump's military  strategist,  was able to reach the Speakership* ??? ---  worse still ,  where were the damned-o-craps* ?   

Angel Dust


                        The Japanese moved MOUNTAINS into the Sea so they could construct airports .   The Chinese moved MOUNTAINS into the Sea to build Fortresses .   "It" can be done IFF the Will is Strong enough .

Further Listening :

Panama Red   New Riders of the Purple Sage

Inner Mounting Flame (the entire Album)   Mahavishnu Orchestra

Let It Flow   (the entire Album)  Dave Mason

Open Your Eyes    Flora Purim and Return to Forever

Rock Steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

"Panama Red"

                         I heard myself moan, "We gotta WEAPONIZE Peace" .   Where the fuck did THAT come from ??????? !!!!!!!!!!!!

            When decent, common and GOOD folks `go` `phuqing* QRAYZEE*` and tell tales from the unexplored cerebrum they are described as "having a rich 'Inner Life' ".   I am possessed of such Wealth BEYOND MEASURE .   Gifted you might romanticize or merely "Touched" ?   What difference does it make ?    

            Clearly Gazans and West Bankers NEED their own    S---P---A---C---E .   THAT is Self-Evident .  Where Imagination must be applied is to the WHERE and then the HOW .   




The Osterville Seconals

                         You can see it rite* ?   Palestine ---> the NATION <---  does NOT exist, check that, Palestine DOES "exist" but only in the Imagination of a few million Arabs .    Israel did Not exist in Reality but DID exist in Golda Meir's Imagination .   Israel was brought from Imagination to Reality by dint and moor of Political Execution --- the fucking WILL of old white guys GUILTY of  Holocaust GUILT .    Using THIS as Paradigm , are the Gazans and West Bankers to be mercilessly SLAUGHTERED then to be AWARDED their own Land ?????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  2 words :: AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDINGME ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Quaalude to a Bliss

                         Solutions can be 'self-evident' :  you see a flat tire you KNOW to add air .   That same {sophisticated} Simplicity is {somehow} NOT `applied` to socio-religious and quasi political Complexities .   The "Two-State Solution", the EXTREMELY Obvious and DEMANDINGLY* 'Self-Evident',, remains horrifically UN-attainable .   How [the FUCK] can that be ?????? ! 


The Satis Faction

                         To date, I have been unable to determine the Evolutionary "Why" of Imagination .   The links between Creativity and Imagination APPEAR to be "self-evident" .   I'm absolutely CERTAIN Imagination and Creativity are both aspects of "The Hunter", since to trap and capture, wound and kill needed prey MUST-BE Instinctual, a Mind ---> "Given".  

            Yet, what are we to 'make' of Cave Art {one of my many nick-names} ?   Clearly, no Imagination is  required  to  draw  resemblances  of  Prey  and  the   surrounding fauna .     So then, what ?

            Worse still, we, as Moderns, are told to use our Imagination, to think "outside the box" that we may be creative and use our Imagination and Creativity to problem-solve* .   Here it is where Imagination and Creativity belong to some "Higher Order" rationale ;  a rationale 'above' both Common Sense and Logic .   I am dys-satisfied* with that .


The Planet of Plumbers' Helpers

                         When I encountered : "All Rebirths may NOT result in occupancy on Earth .   The Rebirth onto other Planets is [quite] common."   it made PERFECT ---> Sense .   I accepted the statement as unverifiable TRUTH,, an aspect of my {Devout} Faith in the Words of All Buddhas .    

            I routinely antagonize Summer Passers-by with the question, "Were you born on Earth?"   Before they can respod I inform them that I was born on "Tralfamadore" a mystical planet from the Imaginings of my Hero and Mentor, Kurt Vonnegut .   I add that my Home Galaxy is the Crab Nebula--which is why I am so cantankerous, acerbic and caustically crabby .  

            I have yet to encounter the `Rebirth Timeline` .   If we are Reborn on other planets are we also Reborn in different Times ?   I venture YES.  

Tombstone Terror-tory


                        I  "bailed-out"  of  yesterday  by  claiming  I was a resident of Earth in the Future .   I was .   The Future Earth has Jerusalem as a Global Sanctuary, meaning, no one Nation "owns" Jerusalem as part of its Territory.  OBVIOUSLY Earthling had reconciled SocioReligious* ---Differences {to put it mildly} and there was a Perpetual Agreement to SHARE the Most Sacred Ground on this Planet .  

            My claim begs for the question ,  "Are you fucking SERIOUS or Delirious ?"    Here's my answer in two words,  Both .


Monday, October 16, 2023

Jew Rue Salem


                        I must leave this here .   Gone are the days of `five-hour-desk-time(s)` .

            I have lived on this Planet when Jerusalem was a Global Sanctuary .   Believe it .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .


Miss Leeding

                         I am PAINFULLY Aware of the Human ATROCITIES that Hamas has inflicted upon the Gazans, WAR CRIMES each and every !!!!!!!!!!    And yet reducing the homes, residences and domiciles of  Gazans,  to   RUBBLE   has  been  been  EXCLUDED as War --->Atrocity .   Laying "Seige" to Gaza in every Medieval characteristic, i.e., Starvation. Water Deprivation, Dys-sheltering*, Dys-Location* and Dys-electrification* is as ATROCIOUS as ANY previous Siege >>>  BAR NONE . !!!

            Here it is where my Sympathy for the INNOCENTS-OF-GAZA is viewed as "Sympathy for the Devil" .   So be it .


GUILTY until proven Innocent

                         From our Biblical Studies we recall that there were TWO "Sanhedrins" in Jerusalem during Jesus's 'Time'---a Political Sanhedrin {ruling Body} and a Spiritual Sanhedrin .   It was the POLITICAL Sanhedrin that called for the Execution [Crucifixion] of the soon-to-be Christ NOT the "Religious" Sanhedrin .   

            In the BEST Perversion of Historical Repeat it is now Netanyahu who is acting as "Caiaphas" calling for [this time] the total and complete EXTINCTION of Palestine, Palestinians, Gazans and West Bankers .    Obviously {or not} ,,  the U.S. stands as Pontius Pilot* , ready to command the Forces of the Empire as Law and Order demands .   

The Golden Cruel

                               Elsewhere I have extracted from the Bible's "Kings" this military command. "Let there be not ONE left standing among the living."  Modernized, "Kill them all, even infants and the newly-born."   Here it is that even ONE, 'left standing among the living' will remember the Slaughter of All, and in so doing have Motive, and {insane} Drive for Vengeance and DIVINE Retribution .  Here it is that just ONE will have, as Foundation, a 'platform' of Injustice, of Things-Gone-Horrifically-Wrong,  a MANDATE, {Heaven-Sent} of  Murderous Mendacity , the RIGHT to inflict "Do to others what they have done to you".                  

The Plight of Flight


                        "In time(s) of Peace, prepare for War,  in times of War, prepare for Peace."   

            We've all seen the rubble, crumbs of architecture that once `fed` families .    Now there is a "forced march" to the South .    Gazans on a "Trail of Tears" .   No food.  No shelter.  No Electricity.  No water .  

            I have taken some "heat' for my commiseration of the Plight of Gazans .   So be it .   Reports have been  issued that claim 50% of Gazans "support" Hamas .  Know what ?   I don't fucking care .  Know why ?  Because that means that 50%  DO NOT !      I stand WITH the Innocents of Gaza --their HUMAN RIGHT to Exist on this Planet AS HUMAN BEINGS !!!!!!!!!        

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Lude a kriss


                        The antonym for prelude is postlude .  2 words : ridiculous .   I couldn't remember the correct spelling for quaalude, I had to search that as well .   Postlude has no flare, its dependency on the prefix post [is] just dull and boring .   In college we knew quaalude simply as "lude"  "Take another 'lude' have a blow for your nose"  Lynyrd Skynyrd .   

            I had to ride a Search Engine to review the "6 Day War".   I was flooded by high school remembrances , a Fondness for both Golda Meir and her General (one of them) Moshe Dayan .   The 6 Day War was a JOKE to most of us .   Most often Ferocity BREEDS Victory .  I mean, there's THAT .   But the thing is this ----Israel's East is Ocean -- a WALL OF WATER.   They had their "backs up against that WALL".  We all know what happens when your back is against the Wall-----you FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE !   So it is with the Gazans .

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ... .

Moshe Dayan


                         Famous Israeli General {The One Eyed } Moshe Dayan, was pulled over for speeding .   He scolded the officer :   "I have one-eye , do you want me to watch the road or the speedometer ?"


                         I was     ENRAGED    when all that the media was concerned about was the so-called "Intelligence Failure of the Israeli 'spy-system'.   ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            No Effort was made to `get at` the CAUSE of  Hamas' Invasion >>> the Living Conditions of Gazans and West Bankers .   Perhaps Reluctance was served to minimize a  "Defense of"--- a 'that' which would enlighten the West to the INHUMANITY  {Political CRUELTY} of Israeli Governmentality* .  This This is none-other than Media MALFEASANCE, a deplorable "condition" of Deflection and Diversion, designed to placate American Imbecilic Zealotry .   

            Do NOT misconstrue my Intent .   War is in NO WAY,   EVER    a Cure for POLITICAL Dysentery .   The Media Coverage of the War In Ukraine is as useless as "tits on a bull" .   The REASON for putin's Invasion was to "secure" the pipelines in SouthWest* Ukraine, Odessa and the European "Bread Basket" of Northern and NorthEastern* Ukraine .   Putin has a "STRANGLE-HOLD" on Europe upon which he depends-on* for Russian [non-Capitalist] Well Being .   Ukraine FEEDS Northern and Middle Africa, a Something that would GUARANTEE his Leverage on ALL African Nations who CANNOT "Feed" themselves .

            Putin         Emperor of the Shit-Hole Planet .

            ...but I digress ...


Israel's 2 State Solution : The State of Fear -- The State of Desperation

                         There is one word and ONLY "One Word" that defines the WHY of Hamas' Invasion and it is DESPERATION .   Know this about Gaza, and the West Bank ---they are STARVING .   Tunnels were dug to `Black Market` {from the transitive verb > to Black Market, i.e., to gain and move} food-stuffs, including rice, pasta, flour and the likes---everyday's NECESSITIES .   The Israeli Gov. has BANNED  Gaza fishing trawlers from locations that are flush with fish , and restricted them to the filth and squalor of 'scant and paltry' .   

            Gazans have NO "Voice" in the Israeli Gov .  For all intents and purposes, Israel is an Apartheid State {the same 'state' of AMERICAN  Blacks} .  

            Gaza is the most densely populated 'place' ON THE PLANET .   

             I can't help but FEEL that Israel would find Satisfaction in wholesale GENOCIDE, a Genocide of Palestinians,  that would solve its Existential Problem, the existence of [so-called] Enemies within its borders . 

            Horror upon Horror , Human Atrocity at its Absolute BEST !

Mother Nature and Her Twin Mother Shit-Hole


                        Every Saturday morning I 'turn-on' the "Boob Tube" in the hopes of viewing cartoons or "Mystery Science Theater" .   Yesterday I was dumb-struct {struck by dumb} to see that War had been declared by Israel upon Gaza .   We can't seem to 'catch a break' (a break from unremitting HORROR) .   Countries also Horror-fried* condemned the Invasion "in the strongest terms possible" .  "Big fucking deal".  My Generation {Baby Boomers et al} were raised on "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me ."   Words won't HELP either .   

           America is Impotent .   So too the UN .   

            America has no "Speaker of the House" ,  Palestinians have no Speaker --- No Voice of the Common Folk .   Hamas is the Voice of Imbecilic Violencers*  "Hell-Bent" on the Destruction of Israel and the Re-Capture" of Jerusalem .   

            How I miss Yasser Arafat and his PLO .

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

"Nothing, I've done nothing else ."

                          I'm leaving this here for today .

Further Viewing :

"Zero Dark Thirty"

"Atomic Blond" 

Any of "The Avengers" with Wonder Woman 

Further Listening :

Nils Lofrgrin GRIN   "1+1"

Stones   "Sympathy for the Devil"

The Who   "Who's Next" .  

Further Reading :

Campbell   The Masks of God 

Bolen   Goddesses In Every Woman

Jung   Man And His Symbols 

Zero Dark 37-26-34

                         I've never seen Jessica Chastain naked, I mean I'd LIKE to but only in the Indian/Tibetan way , {{{CLINICALLY}}}, as a Dakini .   I find it helpful to attach a {make-believe} Real World likeness to Truth and tag Jessica's Character as WRATHFUL Woman capable of EXTREME 'Punitive Measures' .   "I KNOW he's there---and I want YOU to KILL him FOR ME ."  You aint-gonna get no more 'Wrathful' than THAT .   

            Somehow, Justice is a "sub-set" of Truth .  Truth wields Justice .   The Truth of OBL's SLAUGHTER of  American  Thousands, HAD-TO-BE executed AS Execution ---"and so it came to pass" .   Truth's Wielding, in the Form of Navy Seals , "caught up to" Osama Bin Laden --- "we seen that movie, it ended REAL nice " .

           It took some Time and remember Qids*  Time MEANS `Inevitability` .

The Station at Bastardization

                         Sophistry allows {demands} me this :  to anthropomorphize Truth as a Tibetan "Naked Lady" wielding a "hook knife" [which looks like a linoleum cutter] .  I can supplement that with her {divine} Characteristic of  "highest level Reality" .   Truth as Knife Wielding Warrior, a DEFENDER of Reality .    

            To the Above I add this This :   "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" .  (William Congreve in his "The Mourning Bride".)   Let's bend that :  Let's change Woman into Truth and continue that trajectory --->  Truth has the Fury of a Woman Scorned .  ... and let's recode THAT to   Truth has no fury like a Woman ABANDONED .   Here now we can "see" that {by using this trope} Truth DOES INDEED 'wield' Punitive Scathings* .  When Her HYness is abandoned, when REALITY is "left behind",,,   She inflicts `Punitive Scathings` .   Of course THIS implies that Truth does indeed chase after you in all Her Naked {Wrathful} Beauty .

            You can see it rite* ?


                         We must visit Verbatim :

                                                    "Sanskrit ;  in Indian folk belief, a female demon found in the company     of gods ; in---> Vajrayana Buddhism, the inspiring power of  consciousness, usually depicted in     iconography as a wrathful naked figure (---> forms of manifestation) .  As a semiwrathful or           wrathful ---> yidam, the dakini has the task of integrating the powers liberated by the practitioner in the process of visualization (---> sadhana) .   In Tibetan, dakini is translated as khadroma .  Kha means "celestial space" ,  emptiness (---> shunyata) become an image :  dro has the meaning of walking and moving about ;  ma indicates the feminine gender in substantive form .   Thus khadroma is a female figure that moves on the highest level of reality ;  her nakedness symbolizes knowledge of Truth unveiled . "

            Can we now extrapolate that Truth has within HER, the characteristic of  WRATH ?

            Perhaps we must  .


The Pillory

                        When I hear," The Truth will 'catch-up' to you" I find it difficult to understand .  The same with, "What goes around comes around" which some folks cite to explain punitive circumstances whether  or not these circumstances are deserved .   How is it that Truth can "catch-up" ?   Certainly when you lie, Truth is left behind as NECESSARY abandonment .  But Truth initially had no `punitive` characteristic in the first place ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or did it ?
            We listen to others claim, "The Truth has caught-up-to donald j trump".  "Caught-up-to" is awkward and almost unwieldy .   Some of our parents cautioned, "Don't lie because the Truth will "catch up to you ."   That the Truth will somehow carry punitive measures is implied.  Your life will get worse, because Truth has 'caught up to you', meaning, lies [the act of lying] MUST be punished .  Conformity to [adherence of] the Truth will keep you on, "The Straight and Narrow" ----which many think is egregiously restrictive, and intellectually suffocating .   

            Trump's Lies created an empire, now these same Lies have built that structure with 3 openings for the prisoner's head and hands, the one that contains the prisoner and exposes his head so that the victim populace can hurl rotten fruits and vegetables at his head--- oh -  I have it, the word for that structure is PILLORY .  {Old age sucks and then you can't even remember 5th grade words} .

            Trump seated in the Courtroom,  as I see it, ---> trump in the Pillory  .  2 words : how I LOVE to see him in the Pillory .   Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young sooth,  "It's been a long time comin'---it's been a long L---O---N---G time. "


The Emperor's Close


                        I awoke into full ConsciousNess* at 12:29 a.m., the sounds of Nils Lofgrin and his Grin's "White Lies" playing in concert mode --- I wondered, How'd THAT get there ? . 

            "White Lies" forgivables* by nature, cute, cuddly, adorable blah, blah, blah .   We live by them, we live WITH them as part of a Psyche determined to exist in a "Free and Easy" state of Mind---anything to avoid confrontation, dismay, apathy and dereliction --- the Eagles add, "Take it easy, take it easy don't let the sound of your own mind drive you cra-zy ."  

             I'm surprised trump didn't call on 'white lies' to soften and re-mold his defense, what litle there is of THAT .  He's GUILTY-AS-SIN,, indeed,,, trump IS ---> Sin , it all its maniacal vainglory and arrogant Hubris .

            Truth as Nemesis --- how'd THAT get there ???????