Saturday, October 28, 2023

Apocalypse How ????

                         I know I run the risk of Impugning my Love for "Every-Day" Muslims who keep Allah Intimate by "Bowing" three times daily .    That "It" must be .   I have written elsewhere that Mohammed died BEFORE  establishing a Secular Judiciary, and worse,, a POLITICAL Authority with which to GOVERN his People .   Here it is where those close to Mohammed used the Qur'an [Koran] to manipulate the Devoted in such a was as to Establish and Develop a Teaching that soon bifurcated into Interpretational*  Hegemony which then resulted in the WARRING Factions of Shittes and Sunnis .   See that "SAME" in the American Nation of Trumpism where Conservatives try and hold together the great "Once Was"  while  holding  little  or  NO  Influence  over  Evangelical Fundamentalists  otherwise  newly regarded  as  Evangelical  White  Supremacists .  

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