Sunday, October 8, 2023


                         I was     ENRAGED    when all that the media was concerned about was the so-called "Intelligence Failure of the Israeli 'spy-system'.   ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            No Effort was made to `get at` the CAUSE of  Hamas' Invasion >>> the Living Conditions of Gazans and West Bankers .   Perhaps Reluctance was served to minimize a  "Defense of"--- a 'that' which would enlighten the West to the INHUMANITY  {Political CRUELTY} of Israeli Governmentality* .  This This is none-other than Media MALFEASANCE, a deplorable "condition" of Deflection and Diversion, designed to placate American Imbecilic Zealotry .   

            Do NOT misconstrue my Intent .   War is in NO WAY,   EVER    a Cure for POLITICAL Dysentery .   The Media Coverage of the War In Ukraine is as useless as "tits on a bull" .   The REASON for putin's Invasion was to "secure" the pipelines in SouthWest* Ukraine, Odessa and the European "Bread Basket" of Northern and NorthEastern* Ukraine .   Putin has a "STRANGLE-HOLD" on Europe upon which he depends-on* for Russian [non-Capitalist] Well Being .   Ukraine FEEDS Northern and Middle Africa, a Something that would GUARANTEE his Leverage on ALL African Nations who CANNOT "Feed" themselves .

            Putin         Emperor of the Shit-Hole Planet .

            ...but I digress ...


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