Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Art's Trucking

                         The Art of Sophistry allows me to equate Hamas with trumpist Insurrection Idolatry .   There are differences of course, however, the Religious FERVOR with which Hamas conducts itself, in the Effort to Extinct Israel and its Inhabitants is the same as that of trumpist Insurrectionists, whose sole aim is the Extinction of Modern American Democracy, [what's remains of it] .  Hamas has literally 'taken' control of the Gazan Body and Mind Politic .   Of course this 'take-over' is Military in all its heinous {ISIS} Blasphemy .   In the same way that Hamas has NO >interest< in the [true] Well Being of the Gazan populace,  so  it  is  with  trumpist   Insurrectionists  who  care  little  of  the near  CATASTROPHIC Consequences of their Antebellum Socio-Political , Anti-Evolution ---> Radioactivity .   


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