Friday, October 20, 2023

"No Secrets"

                         Remember what Joe is :   A Man of a "bygone" "Era", a "Lone Ranger" Status Quo of 
"Yesteryear", of  "White Knight Chivalry" and "Dudly-Do-Right" Rescue -  the "Damsel-In-Distress" Liberator, whose Spiritual Trajectory was seen and BELIEVED to be the ULTIMATE in Male ConsciousNess* .    If you're seen the Face of Golda Meir, a Jewess of "Joan d'Arc" Magnitude, you can readily agree that she does NOT have, "The Face That Launched A Thousand Ships"--- and yet through sheer FORCE OF WILL she, "birthed" the Nation of Israel .  I LOVE her for that .  

            The speech writer LABORED to describe American Efforts as "Righteous" --- that Defending Israel with American Taxes was "The Right Thing To Do" {as if Carly Simon somehow entered the Geo-Political Realm of Foundational Exactitude}.  

            Biden's reading WAS Labored, his cadence stumbled along, as that of a cripple on a rocky stream-bed .    How many times in fifteen minutes, did we hear Joe utter the Ancient Western Movie cliche, "Meanwhile, back at the Ranch" as if and as though Iran, Russia and China shared some sort of Fortress-style Bunkhouse ?   It was clumsy at best, at worst, stutterable* .


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