Saturday, October 28, 2023

Heck-of-a Mecca

                         There is VAST Intimacy between Islamic Sharia Law and the Laws within Deuteronomy that johnson and his seek to impose on the Nation of America .   Here it is where Individualism, a hall and benchmark of Ideational Democracy is de-valued in order to establish and maintain a Religio-Political COLLECTIVE , a one in which Individualism has been [all but] removed .   In this Regard, trump can be viewed as the evangelical's  "Mohammed" and johnson his "Mohammed Ali" .    Know that the Prophet Mohammed, in order to establish HIS "Religion", found it necessary to relent to his Intimates and wage war AGAINST HIS OWN, that HIS Authority and HIS Teaching be that of Allah, the Most Powerful .   Victory over the Infidels was PROOF of Allah's Great Power AND Mohammed's Authority-as-Teaching . 

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