Sunday, October 8, 2023

Israel's 2 State Solution : The State of Fear -- The State of Desperation

                         There is one word and ONLY "One Word" that defines the WHY of Hamas' Invasion and it is DESPERATION .   Know this about Gaza, and the West Bank ---they are STARVING .   Tunnels were dug to `Black Market` {from the transitive verb > to Black Market, i.e., to gain and move} food-stuffs, including rice, pasta, flour and the likes---everyday's NECESSITIES .   The Israeli Gov. has BANNED  Gaza fishing trawlers from locations that are flush with fish , and restricted them to the filth and squalor of 'scant and paltry' .   

            Gazans have NO "Voice" in the Israeli Gov .  For all intents and purposes, Israel is an Apartheid State {the same 'state' of AMERICAN  Blacks} .  

            Gaza is the most densely populated 'place' ON THE PLANET .   

             I can't help but FEEL that Israel would find Satisfaction in wholesale GENOCIDE, a Genocide of Palestinians,  that would solve its Existential Problem, the existence of [so-called] Enemies within its borders . 

            Horror upon Horror , Human Atrocity at its Absolute BEST !

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