Monday, October 30, 2023

"Heart of Darkness"


                              I am exasperated with the Media for NOT correctly identifying Hypocrisy as American Foreign Policy .    I am proud of having identified Hypocrisy as the Life Blood of Corruption within whatever 'body politic' that is being addressed .   Here it is where "White man speaks with forked tongue" suits the Media's assessment of Iranian "Influence" in Israel, Lebanon and Jordan .   Presently American "Influence" in Ukraine manifests as arms and munitions "Bank-Roll" .   For the American Media to claim "FOUL" because of Iranian Influence both in Hamas and Hezbollah is RICH .   Nothing has been mentioned about the AK-47's -- RUSSIAN weaponry -- as the "Standard Issue" of Iranian Assault Rifles even though production of this model MAY-BE part and parcel of Iranian Industry .   

            American jets have flown sorties into Syria W--I--D--E--N--I--N--G the War     the very "THING" about which they have warned Iran !!!!!!!!!   

            Across the Centuries Efforts have been made to "Civilize" War and the Fare of War .   When these Efforts are Violated the Offender is castigated and vilified --- yet the ESSENCE of War and the dire INABILITY to Confront the Human Failings that turn to War as "the only answer" remain despicablly* UN-addressed .  Here it is where Civilization reverts to it Origin    --->   Savagery and Bestiality .

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