Friday, October 20, 2023



                        The definition of sardonic is : "...bitterly sneering" .   I reside in Sardonia .   I waited for Biden's reading of Someone Else's speech with the quiet reserve of contemptuous skeptitude* .   The last and perhaps ONLY President I truly respected for Rhetorical Authenticity was Bill Clinton, a Rhodes Scholar .   

            First off, Joe looked horrible, what with his beady eyes and rancorous complexion, as if not even ONE red blood cell had found space on his aged face ---  which is NORMAL for those of the Ancient Age-Clime .   I don't fault him that, I am on my way there as well, there is no escape .    His speech was speckled with age-cough-clearing throat, the spittle and flem* loosened by dys-capular* lung function .  He never excused himself for that --- he passed it on like so much "Tough shit I'm old" excusation* .  

            In my Mind's Heart I KNEW the speech writer COULDN'T "Do" "It" --- to describe, explain the Connection between American Aid and Proletariat Work Force Anti-Socialism Anti-War Mongers .   The speech writer had to defend that Aid and in the process persuade Americans that American Socio-Political Foreign Policy actually PROTECTED Americans thousands of miles away from the Mid-East Battlefield of Gazan Genocide and Israeli Extinction .   




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