Saturday, October 21, 2023

In God We Lust

                         You can see it rite* ?   The Chasm now existing between what once was the Republican Party, that is now vestigial and has been supplanted by trumpism in all its Neo Nazi Neo Confederate Blasphemy, and the Democratic Party was `created` by the ABSENCE of Vigilance and a rabid abhorrence of "The Other" .   The marked Difference is FEAR .   Shiites and Sunnis do NOT "Fear" one another but DO Fear the Capability of Religious Power i.e., the rise of pseudo-Secular Authority, an Authority that is Imposed as "Divine Right" -  the supposed Actualization of Allah's Will as Interpreted by Philosophers and Qur'anic Theologians .   Here it is where trumpists have DENIED the foundation of Constitutional Structuralism* ---  the Authority of  the Constitution and its Amendments, supplanting IT with the Will of Capitalist Oligarchs who have taken MONUMENTAL Advantage of >>>Politics-as-Religion<<< .     

             I do not proffer this 'case'lightly .   Shiites WILL kill Sunnis --- Sunnis WILL kill Shiites both in the Name of Allah and without ANY regard for Civilian HUMAN Rights .   Trumpist are HELL-BENT on inflicting Cruelty-as-Governmental DIVINE RIGHT which manifests as a "Call to Arms" ,  to bring Violence, Blood-lust,, and Bloodshed to the Streets of  America with ISIS Savagery .

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