Sunday, October 8, 2023

Mother Nature and Her Twin Mother Shit-Hole


                        Every Saturday morning I 'turn-on' the "Boob Tube" in the hopes of viewing cartoons or "Mystery Science Theater" .   Yesterday I was dumb-struct {struck by dumb} to see that War had been declared by Israel upon Gaza .   We can't seem to 'catch a break' (a break from unremitting HORROR) .   Countries also Horror-fried* condemned the Invasion "in the strongest terms possible" .  "Big fucking deal".  My Generation {Baby Boomers et al} were raised on "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me ."   Words won't HELP either .   

           America is Impotent .   So too the UN .   

            America has no "Speaker of the House" ,  Palestinians have no Speaker --- No Voice of the Common Folk .   Hamas is the Voice of Imbecilic Violencers*  "Hell-Bent" on the Destruction of Israel and the Re-Capture" of Jerusalem .   

            How I miss Yasser Arafat and his PLO .

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