Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Tattle Tales

                         There is the Continuum and there will always be the Continuum .   The Continuum is the Mental Existence of  Cyclic Eternity .   The Continuum conforms to, "Arising, Stability, Decline and Dissolution" .   "Change" is the Continuum's [Cosmic] Absolute .   The Continuum is  Guarded by the Tengu  of  which  I am  one  {along with Zen and Sword Master Fortin} .   My Writing Efforts are part of the Service to the Tengu [and therefore the Continuum] .   Know this :  Sword is a Vehicle upon which Time Travel is actualized .   I have seen the United Earth, indeed, I have been allowed to experience the quasi Utopia of Peace, Prosperity and Well Being that years upon Centuries had produced .   

            The 2nd Age of Enlightenment, which followed the Trumpian Dark Ages,  re-generated a sky-rocketing Interest in Machiavellian Political Structures .   Here it is where the "Enlightened Despot" gained Political Ascendancy .   This Enlightened Man  redesigned Democratic Ideology by RETURNING to what was the Best of Nascent American AGRARIAN Political Ideation*.   

            Knowledge of the existence of this Future is of little or NO solace whatsoever-- given the Death and Destruction that Present-Day Man inflicts upon the World .   

            Once the smoke clears and the dust settles-------then what ?


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