Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Coward Caucus

                         Carelessness manifests as Cruelty .   Beneath Cruelty is both Weakness and Cowardice, indeed, the  tag  for  trumpist  Insurrectionism*  should  not  be  "the chaos caucus"  but the COWARD caucus .   There is not ONE 'True Man' within that caucus, nor in the entire [what-use-to-be]  GOP .   Statesmanship, in the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman Tradition ,  has all but evaporated due to the incessant friction generated by Hatred, Bigotry, Greed and Lust for Power .   Hare-brained Nit-Wits and SUPER-Brains agree that what was once the Republican Party will NEVER regain Socio-Political Acceptance because of the very Nature of Republican 1%-ism* .   Trumpist Insurrectionists are painfully "Woke" regarding this Existential TRUTH .   

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