Saturday, October 21, 2023

"The Cradle will fall"

                                  There exists a  Chasm between Shiite {she eye-t} and Sunni {sue knee} Theologies .  This Chasm exists because of interpretational* differences, and worse, governmental influences .    The closest analogy that can be made is of Catholic and Protestant "Isms" in Ireland wherein DESPITE worshiping the SAME GOD devouts* of both roiled in a self-imposed HATRED of one another, a BEWILDERING component of Religious Zealotry .   Shiites and Sunnis remain in a Hell of Paradox unable to Reconcile each others perceived Idolatry .  Middle Eastern Nations bound by shared History and Common Language are somehow OBLIVIOUS to the FACT that Allah is their ONE , The Supreme of Kindness, Compassion and Liberation .  "Is not Allah All Loving ?"   "Is  not  Allah  All   Merciful ?"   "Is not   Allah   Compassionate   to   ALL ?"       And yet  -----------  and yet .      How can they NOT  `manage`  Interpretation ???                                                 

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