Wednesday, October 4, 2023


                         We must visit Verbatim :

                                                    "Sanskrit ;  in Indian folk belief, a female demon found in the company     of gods ; in---> Vajrayana Buddhism, the inspiring power of  consciousness, usually depicted in     iconography as a wrathful naked figure (---> forms of manifestation) .  As a semiwrathful or           wrathful ---> yidam, the dakini has the task of integrating the powers liberated by the practitioner in the process of visualization (---> sadhana) .   In Tibetan, dakini is translated as khadroma .  Kha means "celestial space" ,  emptiness (---> shunyata) become an image :  dro has the meaning of walking and moving about ;  ma indicates the feminine gender in substantive form .   Thus khadroma is a female figure that moves on the highest level of reality ;  her nakedness symbolizes knowledge of Truth unveiled . "

            Can we now extrapolate that Truth has within HER, the characteristic of  WRATH ?

            Perhaps we must  .


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