Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Satis Faction

                         To date, I have been unable to determine the Evolutionary "Why" of Imagination .   The links between Creativity and Imagination APPEAR to be "self-evident" .   I'm absolutely CERTAIN Imagination and Creativity are both aspects of "The Hunter", since to trap and capture, wound and kill needed prey MUST-BE Instinctual, a Mind ---> "Given".  

            Yet, what are we to 'make' of Cave Art {one of my many nick-names} ?   Clearly, no Imagination is  required  to  draw  resemblances  of  Prey  and  the   surrounding fauna .     So then, what ?

            Worse still, we, as Moderns, are told to use our Imagination, to think "outside the box" that we may be creative and use our Imagination and Creativity to problem-solve* .   Here it is where Imagination and Creativity belong to some "Higher Order" rationale ;  a rationale 'above' both Common Sense and Logic .   I am dys-satisfied* with that .


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