Monday, October 16, 2023

The Plight of Flight


                        "In time(s) of Peace, prepare for War,  in times of War, prepare for Peace."   

            We've all seen the rubble, crumbs of architecture that once `fed` families .    Now there is a "forced march" to the South .    Gazans on a "Trail of Tears" .   No food.  No shelter.  No Electricity.  No water .  

            I have taken some "heat' for my commiseration of the Plight of Gazans .   So be it .   Reports have been  issued that claim 50% of Gazans "support" Hamas .  Know what ?   I don't fucking care .  Know why ?  Because that means that 50%  DO NOT !      I stand WITH the Innocents of Gaza --their HUMAN RIGHT to Exist on this Planet AS HUMAN BEINGS !!!!!!!!!        

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