Monday, October 16, 2023

Miss Leeding

                         I am PAINFULLY Aware of the Human ATROCITIES that Hamas has inflicted upon the Gazans, WAR CRIMES each and every !!!!!!!!!!    And yet reducing the homes, residences and domiciles of  Gazans,  to   RUBBLE   has  been  been  EXCLUDED as War --->Atrocity .   Laying "Seige" to Gaza in every Medieval characteristic, i.e., Starvation. Water Deprivation, Dys-sheltering*, Dys-Location* and Dys-electrification* is as ATROCIOUS as ANY previous Siege >>>  BAR NONE . !!!

            Here it is where my Sympathy for the INNOCENTS-OF-GAZA is viewed as "Sympathy for the Devil" .   So be it .


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