Monday, October 30, 2023

Instinct or Insanity ?? !!!

                             By 1974 R.D. Laing's  The Politics of Experience had undergone 12 Printings after the original 1968 First Printing .   His Message had been received and ALMOST `glorified` ---  I recall seeing it featured in the window of the College Hill Bookstore on the Campus of Brown University . ( I was still in high school  in 1968 and the Vietnam was still raging) .    Only ONE of  my  high  school  buddies  had bothered  to  read  it,  that  because  of  the  influence   of  his  older  sisters .  It wasn't until 1975 that I sat down with the good Doctor .

            Dr. Laing's claim, that Civilization had gone INSANE was viewed with skepticism among the Military Industrialists and recondite Intellectuals who fancied themselves as wisdom-laden pundits .   I viewed his World View as MONSTRUOUSLY* Beautiful .  His Effort to conceptualize War as ``PRIMITIVE``  ``Ritual``   made PERFECT Sense to me , for how can War, IN ANY MODE, be considered "Civilized" ???


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