Friday, October 20, 2023

" stupit to no know bettuh..."

                         When the West introduced The Iliad and The Odyssey to the Islamic Literary and Philosophic Intelligentsia,  the Works were summarily REJECTED .   Muslims had NO "taste" for Homeric Ideation and the Iliad's Military Values and Virtues .   This is why it is so mind-bendingly DIFFICULT to establish a Cease-Fire and open a Mind-Set for Humanitarian Discovery* .   To retrieve bodies, to enable Medical Care for the wounded and injured is blaspheme-ically UN-Desirable for Muslims whose Ancient {Medieval} Honor System Complexities INCLUDES Beheading and {Greek} Corpse Mutilations .   

            Know this :   The Nation of Islam is foundationed upon Mohammedanism and its FUNDAMENTAL REJECTION of the Future-------ANY Future .   The Nation of Islam is dependent upon Mohammed's PERSON  and HIS  definition of the Ultimate Reality, that of The INTIMATE Presence of Allah within the Minds, Bodies, Hearts and Souls of each and every Devout .   Mohammed did NOT establish ANY Order of Judges, nor Interpreters of the Qur'an thereby leaving Social and Governmental DYS-Order* as Day-To-Day Investiture .    The further the Society 'gets' from Mohammed and his Life the more DEGRADED his Teaching becomes which allows Political Impurity and Corruption to advance as Socio-Relgio Political Dogma. 


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