Monday, October 16, 2023

GUILTY until proven Innocent

                         From our Biblical Studies we recall that there were TWO "Sanhedrins" in Jerusalem during Jesus's 'Time'---a Political Sanhedrin {ruling Body} and a Spiritual Sanhedrin .   It was the POLITICAL Sanhedrin that called for the Execution [Crucifixion] of the soon-to-be Christ NOT the "Religious" Sanhedrin .   

            In the BEST Perversion of Historical Repeat it is now Netanyahu who is acting as "Caiaphas" calling for [this time] the total and complete EXTINCTION of Palestine, Palestinians, Gazans and West Bankers .    Obviously {or not} ,,  the U.S. stands as Pontius Pilot* , ready to command the Forces of the Empire as Law and Order demands .   

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