Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Planet of Plumbers' Helpers

                         When I encountered : "All Rebirths may NOT result in occupancy on Earth .   The Rebirth onto other Planets is [quite] common."   it made PERFECT ---> Sense .   I accepted the statement as unverifiable TRUTH,, an aspect of my {Devout} Faith in the Words of All Buddhas .    

            I routinely antagonize Summer Passers-by with the question, "Were you born on Earth?"   Before they can respod I inform them that I was born on "Tralfamadore" a mystical planet from the Imaginings of my Hero and Mentor, Kurt Vonnegut .   I add that my Home Galaxy is the Crab Nebula--which is why I am so cantankerous, acerbic and caustically crabby .  

            I have yet to encounter the `Rebirth Timeline` .   If we are Reborn on other planets are we also Reborn in different Times ?   I venture YES.  

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