Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Station at Bastardization

                         Sophistry allows {demands} me this :  to anthropomorphize Truth as a Tibetan "Naked Lady" wielding a "hook knife" [which looks like a linoleum cutter] .  I can supplement that with her {divine} Characteristic of  "highest level Reality" .   Truth as Knife Wielding Warrior, a DEFENDER of Reality .    

            To the Above I add this This :   "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" .  (William Congreve in his "The Mourning Bride".)   Let's bend that :  Let's change Woman into Truth and continue that trajectory --->  Truth has the Fury of a Woman Scorned .  ... and let's recode THAT to   Truth has no fury like a Woman ABANDONED .   Here now we can "see" that {by using this trope} Truth DOES INDEED 'wield' Punitive Scathings* .  When Her HYness is abandoned, when REALITY is "left behind",,,   She inflicts `Punitive Scathings` .   Of course THIS implies that Truth does indeed chase after you in all Her Naked {Wrathful} Beauty .

            You can see it rite* ?

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