Monday, December 17, 2018

The Learning Adventures of Conga and Bongo

Ain't nothin' EZ and there's NO SUCH THING as a "Free Lunch" THAT'S what ya gotta understand about the True Nature of the Universe. 

The word and concept of "Free" is one of the cruelest jokes the Universe plays on us.  I have proffered that God is a Stand-Up Comedian.  If you want something you gotta work for it.  But then, there is a Happy "But Then", the Universe is splendid with Miracles.  Here's one rite now, "I draw water, I carry wood." 

I refuse to leave you Kidz with the Half-Filled Half-Empty bi-abolicism that annoys the fuck out of me.  It don't matter if it's half full or half empty if the contents are fucking polluted.  I just want Purity and NOT Shit Purity, I want the Pure Nectar of the Gods.   As a matter of FACT, fuck the glass, I want OCEANS of Purity even if they are disgustingly Beautiful.

I'm gonna leave this here.  I've been at this since 1 a.m. EST America, and I'm out of gas.

The title is about my Little Books for Adult Kidz.  I have plans to do books like Tim Snyder's  On Tyranny ---they are gonna appear at the check-out aisles of Stores and Marts.  I'm gonna make a FRACTOIDKAZILLION dollars and do BIG stuff with it.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

Sunday, December 16, 2018


So when I get a "Cosmic Revelation" I gotta just sit there and mull It over.  For me it was "the thing about Impeaching trump".  Trump is an OBSTRUCTION to American Democratic DECENCY and he's just GOTTA go.  The Problem with Impeachment is the Daunt of Whelm, overwhelming daunt-ed-ness.  It's EZ to get overwhelmed by the dint of daunt.  ALL THAT WORK.  This shit about being "Too Much Work" MEANS you gotta live in the FILTH and SQUALOR of American Degeneracy, Sloth and Political GLUTTONY that can ONLY promote Disease, Plague and Pestilence.  Nobody WANTS that but it would seem that democrats are reluctant to don shoulder pads and tackle the BEAST.  WTF ?  THAT'S what Old Age DOES.  It decreases your desire to take on Tasks that require BIG League Professionalism. 

THAT is why the New Kidz On The Block have an advantage, they're YOUNG or at the least, Young-ER.  They shouldn't be daunted by Whelm or whelmed by Daunt ---at least you'd think. 

That's what I mulled.  I got mired in mull there, at least for a while.  I was a while in Mull.  I was mull-ified.

Rock and Rose

You can have ANY "Vision" you want to have.  I will tell you of this one rock.  I wanted  to move it to a better location, one that would increase the electrical current from a Quartz MONSTER about 3 feet away.  It was the usual Daunt and Whelm.  I could see its path and that path required extensive digging.  Here's the Cosmic Point, In order to move shit, you gotta re-move OBSTRUCTIONS.  This rock wasn't gonna go NOWHERE until I dug it out and dug out a path to its new location.  This rock had GREAT VALUE. Half of it was Quartz, ROSE Quartz,, and its Potential Electrical Ionization gave me INCENTIVE cuz once in Position and combined with the Other Quartz MONSTER I could   V  B    A    E   at a higher Cosmic Frequency. 
                                                 I    R    T
I know it's fucked up but I WANTED "Fucked-Up".  I mean, who doesn't wanna get Fucked by UP ?

I'm just sayin'.

Don't miss the Point.  In order to achieve Movement you GOTTA "Remove Obstructions." 

Cosmic rite ? 

It requires EFFORT to remove Obstructions.

Moving Rock

So now I can tell Youse Gize about Moving Rock, and about how I am Mister America and about Zen and how you GOTTA do 1st things FIRST.  I get to add that EVERYTHING is a "Boot Strap" "Operation"- - - that EVERYTHING requires Vision, Motivation, WILL POWER (in my case Won't Power) and at least a "sense" of a Utopic Aesthetic.  Your Goal should EQUAL your Ability.  For example, just because I can swim a 200 I.M. it DOESN'T mean I'm ready for the English Chanel or Dyann Niakk's "Swim to Cuba".  "Dirty Harry" said it best, "A man's got to know his limitations." 

Zen is "Meat and Potatoes".  Zen is about "doing first things 1st".  Zen is Mystical Common Sense =  "I draw water, I carry wood" converts to = I get chain and Lug-All, I move rock.  There is, however, an Essence.  The "WHY" of things MUST be considered SACRED.  When you're in the Temple you learn that any and all "Free Time" MUST be devoted to Temple Enhancement.  Your DUTY is to make the Temple MORE Beautiful and MORE Functional.  At that Juncture there can be no WHY.  This is what I think we need in America---the importance of DUTY ---unquestionable OBLIGATION to American Democracy.  Here it is that paying Taxes IS NOT ENOUGH.  Here it is that Duty to America is DUTY TO ONES SELF.

I will gag - - - Make America Beautiful Again.


I have repeated again and again, over and over, that I value the Ancient Chinese and the Philosophy that "The Individual is the Foundation of the Empire".  I have also echoed Hesse, "A Society rests upon its Artists and Its Criminals".  Oddly and quite profoundly, trump is such an individual and criminal.  Go figure on that.

The "thing about trump" was that he had a "Vision" of America - expressed as, "Make America Great Again".  He lied, cheated,, and stole his way to Presidential Fame and OUR Misfortune.  What I want to scribe is the Vision itself, he had a Vision, Clinton did NOT. 

Great Leaders have these Visions, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Junior, JFK, Gandhi, Genghis Khan, the list is Long and Impressive - - - ... .  The Deal with "Vision" is that Each and Every  One Of Us  should also have and carry a Vision.  I borrowed from John McLaughlin and his Teacher Sri Chinmoy who poetic-ed "The Emerald Beyond".  I love that.  It's adamantine Utopia. 

The Problem is Acquisition, the HOW do we "get" the Vision to be actualized .
Here it is that "nuts and bolts", steel and lumber, are necessary for Construction and/or Movement.  In my Particular Instance, it's chain, jacks, Johnston Bars and "Come-alongs".  Moving Rock demands Movement, Prying,, Digging,,, and LEVERAGE.

Archimedes =  "Give me a place to stand, and I can move the Earth."
Carole King = "I feel the Earth move under my feet".

Acts As Bold As Love

I wonder that I live on or by vituperative dissonance.  From my Lofty Mountain I disparage, debase,, condemn,,, and mortify Mortal Egregious with only the expectation of dour relief.  I can't get by myself, I can't go back and I constantly get ahead of myself in an effort to express Political Perfection.  It's the Perfection of a Concrete Mason, where "Level" is anathema and "pitch" and "grade" are Industry Standards of "Correct Perception", where "angle" is The Way Of Life.  This THIS is EXACTLY what I have been trying to describe in yesterday's blogs.  Perfection is Relative to the Task At Hand and the Goal of Function. 

Nobody, not one of us, even ME, has been able to "get our shit together and KEEP it together".  American Democrats cannot agree on ANY political "Agenda":  individuals-as-elected-officials value their constituency and their "needs", and as a result, Order and Primary AMERICAN Considerations are blurred, there is no Vision, there can BE no Vision when Personal Interests ( in the form of LOCAL "emergencies") supersede National Well-Fare.   If Folks of LIKE Mind cannot agree to Terms of Engagement, then Folks of OPPOSITE Thinking have NO Chance of Political Reconciliation, Appeasement,, and most definitely,,, Compromise.

I've oft quoted Jimi,
"I know what I want /  but I just don't know /  how to go about gettin' it".

The dems don't even know what they want ----gettin' ANYTHING is therefore OUT of the Question.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Abomi Nation

A couple of months ago, or it could been 2 years, Some One accurately described the Bitter Chaos of Present Day Exigency, the one where trump's tumults and tempests are the Ways and Means of Governmental Machinations.  It's also the One where there is ADMITTED defeat with regard to the access and availability of Ancient Wisdom, that shit the Builders of the Constitution used to glue French Idealism and Italian "know-how" to bond AMERICAN Ideology.  In short, there was NO FUCKING WAY that the Ancients figure that One Party would COMPLETELY IGNORE the Conditions of Constitutional Exaction and instead SUPPORT a Madman President whose very Essence is one of Democracy Destruction.  "This" was their Impossible, yet their "This" has come into a Fruition of Abject Misery for those of US who have maintained a Sobriety of Values the least of which is Love of "America" and Its IDEA of Egalitarian Justice. 

Egalitarian Justice is epitomized in "We, the People" and in "Justice throughout the Land".  That "It" is fucking bullshit.  We are EATING that fucking bullshit because the 1% are hoarding OUR Resources-as-FOOD.  ALL of Us remember Marie Antoinettes's abomination, "Let the peasants eat cake" and here we are again, NOT as Valued American Citizens but as paupers and peasants, trying to feed off "Crumbs from the Fat Cat's Table".  "Abomination" may NOT cover it.

Death Null

I want to make certain that we grasp the ENORMITY of the political task at hand.  I fear that a sense "change" is expected and with it results that harbinger a "better life" for the Majority of Americans.  I don't see how that's possible. 

Just because the democrats have gained control of the House of  Representatives DOESN'T mean that cataclysmal political reparations are "at hand" or even nearby.  The Senate has ALL the Power and trump wields the Weight of Veto.  Remember that Nixon started all this shit--a madman obsessed with himself and HIS "Vision" of a Presidency with UNLIMITED and UNRESTRICTED Power.  His Statement of Insanity, the one where he deadpanned, "If a President performs ANY operation, by definition, that operation CANNOT be deemed "criminal".  In short the President is NOT (just) Above The Law - - - He IS the Law.  

Recently Wise Men have generated a Rationality that understands the Defense of Political Insanity.  They understand that questioning Presidential "Authority" is questioning the Entirety of America.  Does trump have the Authority to commit High Crimes and Misdemeanors in the Name of Presidential Executive Power ? 

Can the Pres declare the Constitution Null and Void ?

You can see the Problem.

..."Wax on, Wax off"...

I've been trying to build the American "Super-Citi-Zen" while making a half-assed attempt at applying Zen to American Politics in order "cure" a (Religious) Disease
labeled "trumpism".  It's a distillation that renders trumpism as "Cult".  Thing is, I'm uncertain that I've been successful, even by MY standards.

Here's the deal with that.  When I do Sword, EVERYTHING is Sword, INCLUDING "Life".  It's the same when I move Rock, when I Paint,, when I Carpenter,,, Life makes COMPLETE and TOTAL "Sense" when I am absorbed with the "Task At Hand".  However, it makes NO "Sense" to metaphor a Nation's Politics with Occupational Brevity.  The Problem is The Problem.  How many of you in Out There have handled a Chain Saw, Sword,, or have even "pounded a nail" ?  The Metaphor, at that level, DOESN'T "work", it doesn't "apply".  For "It" to "Work" the Metaphor must be available and accessible to All and Every.  I'm obsessed with "All" and "Every".

When Universalism is described by Specificity, Comprehension evaporates.

Super Chisel

Now I COULD hand sharpen the chain but I have hand sharpened it a few several times and now I gotta remove it and put it on my "Jolly" Mini machine.  That "machine"  is Fast & Strong, but it's gratingly shrill,, it tears micro-fibers off your brain,,, and sears the hide-lining off your inner ear.  Really it's thrilling in a grotesque sorta delightful way.  The Jolly Mini evens the saw teeth and returns the so-called "angle of attack" back to Factory Issue.  It make me delirious.

What you WANT a saw to do is "PULL you into the cut".  THEN, and only Then, do you KNOW that it is as sharp as it can be ---- spending time inside a cut is maddening, ESPECIALLY for some asshole like me,, who is fucking LAZY.

But I digress :   the Point is something about "Boot Strap Operation".  A "Boot Strap Operation" is when you want to do tree work but instead of just getting out the saws you need, you gotta do 15 HUNDRED other things FIRST.  It makes a job set up ridiculously excruciating. 

But that aint the Point either....


I gotta do some tree work on this property.  I'm beaten to a body PULP from the tagging 8th inch plywood to the "ceiling" of the "bend-over" storage space.  Working in a back-breaking, neck-hostile environment SHOULD be "All I Ever Wanted", instead, it's been one trial after another and NOT in the Herculean Realm of HEROIC Under-takings--- except for the   UNDER part I SHOULD take time out to heal, rest,, 
and recover,,, but THAT aint who I am because that "That" leads to my Slug-dugery, the one where I Steve Miller myself to "sit around the house, get high, and watch the tuuube."  That's not good, I mean, it's GREAT but... --- ___ .

The thing is, the saw I WANNA use needs to be sharpened, not the saw,, the Chain..
I could use my Stihl but the Dolmar is just lighter and stronger, plus it runs .404 so when it bites it bites HARD.  The Stihl runs .325 in case you wondered.  Also, the Dolmar starts with two or 3 pulls, the Stihl, is Old and needs severe "coaxing". 

There's a terrific Story on how the Stihl came into my possession, but THAT'S for another Rainy Day. half an ass...

I silently promised You Gize I would write when it rained. Well, it's raining NOW and I don't want to write- - -  I mean, I DO - - - - but I don't.  I'm NOT the BIGGEST FAN of Effort.  I'm like a half-an-ass Fan.  I go from caring enough to "get by" to "Biting- The-Iron-Wall"-fucking-BERSERK.  There ain't no Buddhist "In-Between".  Zen aint like that.  Zen is FULL ASS !  There's a song from the Ancient Musical Comedy "Oklahoma", Some Dizzy Chick belts, "With me it's ALL OR NOTHIN'".  Go figure on that, I'm a 60's Show Girl Song-Stress.  Did NOT see that comin'.

I "know" every Musical Comedy Rogers and Hammerstein CERTAIN.  Blame my Sister.  I do.

In Times Of Yore, I use-ta be able to sit and write for 3 and four hours.  These daze I get stiff and my knees swell making it a CHALLENGE just to get up to relieve myself.  Old age sucks and then it hurts to go and pee.  It's like, I KNOW I can write, that aint the problem, the Problem is my Bod - - - getting IT to sit quietly whilst I distil and ferment Fret. 

I WISH "that" was my only problem... --- ___ .

Saturday, December 8, 2018

"Slippery Fingers".

What we loath and despise about (and "in") trump, what we abhor and incinerate in Others, is Incessant Lying.  Lies disrupt the "Continuity" of Truth. We MUST somehow establish Truth as a PHYSICAL manifestation but of WHAT ?  We sometime hear, "The BODY of Evidence".  Can Truth have a Body ?  Time is icono-graphic-ly depicted as an Old Man With A Scythe.  Justice is a Blindfolded Goddess.  I have elsewhere offered Truth as a "Dakini" a Naked Woman.  But as  Naked Goddess I may have offended Her with a Vulnerability.  If Truth is a Dakini, what is Lies ?  We KNOW that Lies can defeat Truth in the Combat Cage.  It fucking SUCKS that They can be Equals.  Indeed, Lies, Deceit,, and Deception,,, have a POWERFUL Alliance.  What's a One to do in the Face of Such Awesomely Grotesque Adversity ?

You want a laugh ?

We should make Miss America POTUS.

So much for useless metaphor.

I'm leaving this here.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

Tengu Voodoo

I'm suppose-to be writing about the Neo-American Citi-Zen, a One who contributes to the Wellness and Fare of American Culture, Society and Civilization.  The Steve DeSilva who wrote Yesterday is in Nowhere-To-Be-Found .. instead,  "I" am here, the Cave Man Pond Dweller who NEEDS to write about Time, Relativity, Truth and Relative Truth.  It get's worse.... ___ ---- .

I have written elsewhere of my Tengu Masters.  You Kidz will prob-lee never get to The Demon's Sermon On The Martial Arts but, quite oddly, the Tengu HAVE been "represented" on The History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" you MITE catch a knowledge glimpse of Them there.  The Tengu are FORMIDABLE Task Masters.  They rely on The Power of Sword to E-X-P-A-N-D one's Conscious.  All "Things" are utilized by the Tengu, meaning, tricks, schemes, street dramas and dislocations are used to ensure a qualitative "off-putting" that somehow generates an Inner Balance.  Horrors and Ecstasies are EQUAL tools and weapons.  Great Swordsman are CONSTANTLY "Aware".  This is the Goal of Tengu Instruction.  The Tengu regard Time as a toy.  They have little use for Time, since Mastery is eternally UNAVAILABLE to ALL.  Instead, as I have previously noted, Continuity is Valued as The Absolute.  Time and Truth can be "disrupted".  Continuity, by its very definition, cannot.

The Tale Of The Indian Trial

There was a trial in India.  A woman testified about Some Thing.  The next day, the lawyer asked her an ancillary question with her previous testimony still fresh in everyone's mind.  Incredibly, she recounted a set of statements that, on the surface, REFUTED her words of the previous day !   The lawyer was baffled, as were the others who had heard her the day before.  The lawyer demanded, "What is the meaning of this new testimony ? "   She enigma-ed, "What I told you yesterday was true.  But today is a different day and I am a different person."

I find that Tale absolutely PUNISHING.  Two sets of Truths related by TWO separate "Individuals" who somehow inhabit ONE body. 

I find myself "that" "way".

Can Truth be Truth in the Past ?  How can it be ?  Obviously there can be no Future "Truth" as well.  I mean, you'd think.  But take the example of water being placed in a freezer. The Future Truth is, It will freeze.  How can Truth be subject to the LAWS of Physics ? !! ?   I don't think it can.  Human Truth can NOT be subject to Universal Physics. 

Is there a Cosmic Law of Truth ?????


When I finished-up yesterday, as I was benching, I wondered what the fuck I had written, did it make any sense, and how the fuck did I end up where I Ended-Up.  Within seconds I forget the titles of the blogs (chapters).  It's an eerie feeling, one filled with dread-as-spice.  I know what causes it, an Old Poet Who Lived By A Pond.  He was happenstanced by a visitor.  Visitor looked inside to see poems in the cracks of the Poet's Cave.  He read them.  Some were beautiful.  He turned to the Pond-er-er.  "These are amazing, why do you not share them ?"  The Cave Man shrugged.  "These are sins.  I write the poems on the water's Surface where they should remain."

 I want that--to be free---.  But I have an Ego, the Pond aint enough.

Today I wondered if Truth is relative to Time.  How the fuck would that even work ?
I wondered if it's the way Steve Winwood lays it out, "Time is a River / flowing through to Nowhere".  Is Time a River ?  Is THAT what carried me to Ended-Up ?  I wondered that my writing is just a description of   The Land That Time Passed By.

What's THAT all about ?

Crap sap

Sorry about yesterday. I left for a moment and when I returned I couldn't get back onto the In-turd-net.  I don't know why that happens.  I have multiple conspiracy theories, all make me delirious.  I have issues---deep, hard driving,, and pernicious,,, all and to the last.

I don't like revisiting waste land.  Once I exit a territory it becomes Skull and Crossbones toxic.  My psyche is contaminated by Suspicion and another word for potential-repeat-discovery that just will not surface.  I use the image of a Maple Tree sap-tap. Once I remove it, I'm hard-pressed to position it, precisely, at the EXACT spot.  Creative (juices) Sap varies with Location.  Plus, I HATE reading myself a day later.  Even the Good Stuff appears to be penned by a Some One Other.  I read my shit and wonder, Who the fuck wrote this crap ?  I never know . . . .  To get closer, I figure I'm "tapping" the Tree of Knowledge.  This allows me to be a "conduit" free of Responsibility. 

It doesn't help that Time changes conditions.  It's not as if I can maintain a focus either.
Good Writers can.  I have a fly mind, I flit and fritter about.  I also have a monkey brain.  A Fly mind and a Monkey Brain.

What a combo....

Friday, December 7, 2018

Romancing the Stoned or Overcoming Inertia

"Overcoming Inertia" isn't the greatest title for ANYTHING except Overcoming Inertia.  An object "in motion" has Inertia, so to an object "at rest".  Inertia, it would appear, has EVERY aspect, trait and characteristic, of Zen Perplexity.  Inertia is BOTH "Movement" and "Stillness" at the EXACT Same Time.  What's not to love ?

There is the infuriating aspect of Status Quo that is somehow Inertia GUARANTEE !!
The American Government is, for all intents and purposes, "DEAD in the Water" and still "things" are getting done, Life goes on and on with not only abject simplicity but with a subjective complexity that borders on Political Mysticism.  Folks don't know HOW things "work", HOW are they to know when things DON'T Work ? 

We experience Politics.  Politics is a "Sensation".  You can see the Problem.  The Solution is Zen because Zen gets to BEFORE Sensation.  Pretty tricky but VERY "Real". 

The Reality of Inertia is that OUTSIDE Forces direct its Trajectory.  We gotta take that slow as we organize the ramifications.  Here's the first consideration :  The Status Quo MAY not have Internal Forces that execute Movement or Stillness but what it DOES have is "Mass".  The Status Quo has GREAT "MASS".  It takes unbelievable POWER to make it Move or make it STOP Moving. 

That's where I come in.

Boulder crowd around you

I'd LOVE to write, "BIG things amuse BIG Minds" but I can't.  I mean, I just DID, but I can't "Can't" because moving boulders that weigh just under 437.34278 pounds AINT the measure of Philosophical "Greatness", instead, it's "Up There" with "The Little Engine That Wheezed, 'I Think I Can' ". 

What I am SUPPOSE-TO "be doing" is devising the Infrastructure for "The Politics of Zen".  Marc Fortin once diagnosed, "The SICKEST People go to the STRONGEST Cure" --- a microscopic essay on the Reality of Zen Practice.  The MEANING is straightforward even if it is enigmatical.  MY "Thinking" is that Christianity has "run its course" in American Democracy and that Corruptionism is a Disease that can be arrested by the Use and Practice of Zen Principles, THAT'S my Speculative THEORY.

The Question in my teeny-tiny monkey-mind is imbecilically simple, What would a Capitalist Democracy "look like" were it to have Zen as its "Guiding Light" ?

Now that Description is HIDDEN among the Bolders and Rocks of Bewildering Inertia, at least, for ME it's Hidden.  All I gotta-do is MOVE those Boulders and dig OUT those rocks in order to uncover Secrets. 

I am in need of SERIOUS "Professional Help".

Multifarious Malicious-tudes.

I gotta be honest with ya' Kidz, If my body wasn't so god-damned mangled I'd be outside doin' stuff.  Urgency and I are have a RELIGIOUS Intimacy that manifests as NON-STOP  Now This, Now That.  When you trust that Meteorologists are LYING to you, the Universe dun Blows UP when Truth is actualized.  I was mentally-ill-prepared for Freezing Temperatures and Frozen Grounds.  It's hard enough to do even the simplest tasks at my age, for instance, just FINDING the Chalk [Plumb] Line can be a Lewis and Clark EXPEDITION into the TWILIGHT ZONE.  I have 4, maybe 5 even, and I still can't find The One that I WANT.  What I AM "discovering" is all this shit that REALLY needs my UTMOST Attention, like NOW, is distressingly resistant to MIRACULOUS EXIGENCY, so rather than dogged and intrepid I am helter-skelter and incipient but not in any GOOD way.  I trudge, I plod.

I can't stay focused because really BIG shit gets in my way.  I gotta do stump extractions and chain "mail" HUGE Boulders just to get a flimsy scintilla of recondite jurisprudence of the "Kitchen Table" order.  As I mentioned above, just getting tools MAYBE a Ritual of Transcendence that alters Reality and manipulates my Consciousness.  And when I finally complete a task it MAY look WICKET FUCKED UP and that causes me to sit down on my Throne of Crystal Magic and berate my own Philosophy of Magnitude. 

I don't even know what that means.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Ignore Anus

See how gross that title is ?  THAT'S how I get your attention. LMAO.

I routinely IGNORE the Universe's Directive to sit in front of this screen and conduit Universal Knowledge.  Dr. Ken Ring advised me that my "job" was to restate Time Tested and Time Traveled Cosmic Axioms in order to refresh and restore Tradition-As-Wisdom.  Such is the Nature of modernizing the Classics, such as "The Three Little Pigs" and Little Red Riding Hoodlum, see what it did there ? I added "lum" to hood to modernize it.  Little Red Riding Hood becomes a metaphor for the Drug War Refugees who seek Political Asy-lum in the U.S. where EVERYTHING is NOT Too Hot, NOT Too Cold but Just RIGHTEOUS.  In MY head Little Red is BIG Red, a Criminal Trespass-er who is subject to Bear LAW.  Here it is that abject Innocence is purgative BLASPHAME.  Little Big Red, in modern times, is subject to the PRE-EXISTING Law of the Land, the one that decries, even in the face of Adversity, one's "right" to escape personal calamity AT THE EXPENSE OF NATIVE INDUSTRIES. 

Listen Kidz I KNOW I'm "on the 'worng' side" of this one.  I can't help myself.  When you Gize wonder why I DON'T write everyday it's because I CAN'T.  I WANT  to be level headed and scale balanced but sometimes my personal experience, such that it is and ISN'T, blocks me like a Wall.

I think the Universe is DEMANDING me to  attend to, at least, state what is Obvious.

This thing about stories and myths ---  they E-X-P--A---N----D your Consciousness.

THAT'S the deal --  that's MY deal.

Those 5, count 'em F-I-V-E staples MEAN "Start using your HEAD".

Rock Steady, Rock Steady Baby, What it is what it is. 

"Whaddya got --- a hair across your ass ?"

I mean, as a writer, you are ALWAYS on the search for deliverable accents, those items that add texture, richness and FLAVOR to otherwise anti-droll, mundane and BORING text, the kind that DEADENS reader interest.  I could type, "I was obsessed with the urgency of the task, OR I could use, "It's like I had a hair across my as to get that goddamn shed put together".  A  hair across your ass-HOLE is more correct --there's that disgusting level of personal intimacy that "grosses-out" EVERYBODY and THAT'S what you should be lookin' to do 'cuz THAT gets and KEEPS your readers' attention. 

THAT'S what I had yesterday, a hair across my ass.  I felt URGENCY to get the min-storage unit assembled and I chose to IGNORE my "Gut Feelings" that "Today is NO day to work because you just had eye surgery and you should be INSIDE resting and recovering LIKE ANY NORMAL PERSON !" 

If only it were "Just That".

It was more SOOOOOOO Much More.

Horton hears a WHO

Many of us are quite familiar with the colloquialism "pound some sense into" as in "All I wanted to do was grab him by his throat and pound some sense into him".  I'm like, hard-pressed to understand HOW "Sense" is "pounded" "into" somebody's FACE.

Maybe it's because the face is as close as we can get to his brain, which also makes  no sense.  I LOVE using the IMAGE of grabbing someone by his throat and beating his face into a bloody PULP because it soothes me, like, relentlessly.  For some of us, abject physical violence IS a guarantee of MENTAL "Relief".   It's why I hit the speed bags and kick my heavies.  After I release Energy I FEEL better.  The bags and the training are DESIGNED to take a beating.  I'm certainly NOT pounding any "Sense" into them so much as I am pounding "Sense" into ME.  Funny how that works.

So yesterday the Universe saw fit to "pound some sense" into me by pushing an 82 X 48 inch 2 x 6 DECK onto my head.  That's why I needed the 5, count 'em, F-I-V-E staples and the CAT SCAN.  Apparently the Universe HAD sent me Some Knowledge that I had steadfastly and obsequiously REJECTED.  I told you Kidz, I'm a fucking Know-It-All, so Who did the Universe thing it was to send ME shit I was gonna ignore, like, ANYWAY ? ? ?!!!!! 

Well I'll tell you   MIGHTY,  BIG and AWE-FULLY POWER-FULL, that's Who.


You Kidz may recall that I posited the abject NECESSITY to harness ALL of one's "Faculties" in order to divine "Truth" and survive propaganda and sensory bombardment that seeks to explode our Values and Idealism.  Treachery and Diabolicism has RADIOACTIVE ramifications.  Political Detonations tear our Faces of Reality OFF.  Trump's infantile FANTACIES are then used as "reconstruction".  I refer to them as Myths.  Media-atics refer to "it" as "The Narrative",  they say "Trump is controlling the Narrative".  The "Narrative" IZ "what we live by".  I have aggravated that the Constitution as well as the Declaration of Independence are also MYTHS, and that These Two parallel BIBLICAL "Narratives".  It's EZ to see that our Civilizational Mores and Morals are derived  from the 10 Commandments and, further back, and my personal FAVS, Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey.   I hold as "True" the Values represented in these Stories and Myths.  When All is "told" we live by Stories and Myths. 

Now I'd like nothing more than to drag you kidz over terrain we have ALREADY hard-scrabbled, thing is, I have 5, count 'em, F-I-V-E staples in my scalp because I DIDN'T "go with" my "gut feelings". 

Here's the first knowledge, LISTEN TO YOUR GUT.

Remember, Your Brain has ITS Brain, your Body has ITS Brain, your Heart has ITS Brain, as does your Soul.  The "Brain" of your Body IZ your "Gut". 

The Brain of you Gut is FAST, wayyyyyyy faster than your Brain's Brain.  We refer to it as one's "Gut Reaction".  We FEEL well before we Think and Reason.

The Humilitarian

I've complained that trump and I have (share) traits and characteristics.  In the Universal COSMIC Scheme Of Things we ALL share "Commonalities" requisite with our Human Status.  It would then be deemed  'appropriate" to acknowledge (with sordid care) even the vast Negatives of trumpian Childhood Psychology and I have done so with fetid alacrity.  It pisses me off that trump declares that HE is the smartest man in the Galaxy because it's ME not HIM who holds that Esteem.  I made MYSELF King Know-It-All at the same time I deemed myself the Most Awesomeist Humilitarian of ALL TIME .  Geritatric Senility makes strange read-fellows.

Recently trump declared that his "Gut" "Is more smottah" than Other Peoples' Brains.
On the surface, trump's inability to think in and construct whole and complete sentences SHOULD be cause for astringent exasperation - - -  I've often used "moronic imbecility" to describe his flagrant misuse of Street and Gutter Carnal Ir-rationality ---  that's MY Realm.  However, his Proclamation of Ego-Driven Stupidity made me sit up and take 2 hits of "Advil".  You recall my ongoing effort to construct a Neo-American, a One that REQUIRES Governmental Policy Monitoring as Obligational DUTY to one's Self, and one's Community ---  and here "Community" is parallel to Fareed Zakaria's "Global Public Square."  The Neo-American IZ R.D. Laing's The Politics of Experience.  I have argued elsewhere that it was erstwhile and steadfast COMPLACENCY that was the medium in which Corruption was to FLOURISH. 

Please allow this shift of metaphor :  "While the Cats away, the rats will prey".

It's like that - - -  sorta.