Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Tale Of The Indian Trial

There was a trial in India.  A woman testified about Some Thing.  The next day, the lawyer asked her an ancillary question with her previous testimony still fresh in everyone's mind.  Incredibly, she recounted a set of statements that, on the surface, REFUTED her words of the previous day !   The lawyer was baffled, as were the others who had heard her the day before.  The lawyer demanded, "What is the meaning of this new testimony ? "   She enigma-ed, "What I told you yesterday was true.  But today is a different day and I am a different person."

I find that Tale absolutely PUNISHING.  Two sets of Truths related by TWO separate "Individuals" who somehow inhabit ONE body. 

I find myself "that" "way".

Can Truth be Truth in the Past ?  How can it be ?  Obviously there can be no Future "Truth" as well.  I mean, you'd think.  But take the example of water being placed in a freezer. The Future Truth is, It will freeze.  How can Truth be subject to the LAWS of Physics ? !! ?   I don't think it can.  Human Truth can NOT be subject to Universal Physics. 

Is there a Cosmic Law of Truth ?????

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