Saturday, December 15, 2018

Abomi Nation

A couple of months ago, or it could been 2 years, Some One accurately described the Bitter Chaos of Present Day Exigency, the one where trump's tumults and tempests are the Ways and Means of Governmental Machinations.  It's also the One where there is ADMITTED defeat with regard to the access and availability of Ancient Wisdom, that shit the Builders of the Constitution used to glue French Idealism and Italian "know-how" to bond AMERICAN Ideology.  In short, there was NO FUCKING WAY that the Ancients figure that One Party would COMPLETELY IGNORE the Conditions of Constitutional Exaction and instead SUPPORT a Madman President whose very Essence is one of Democracy Destruction.  "This" was their Impossible, yet their "This" has come into a Fruition of Abject Misery for those of US who have maintained a Sobriety of Values the least of which is Love of "America" and Its IDEA of Egalitarian Justice. 

Egalitarian Justice is epitomized in "We, the People" and in "Justice throughout the Land".  That "It" is fucking bullshit.  We are EATING that fucking bullshit because the 1% are hoarding OUR Resources-as-FOOD.  ALL of Us remember Marie Antoinettes's abomination, "Let the peasants eat cake" and here we are again, NOT as Valued American Citizens but as paupers and peasants, trying to feed off "Crumbs from the Fat Cat's Table".  "Abomination" may NOT cover it.

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