Sunday, December 16, 2018


So when I get a "Cosmic Revelation" I gotta just sit there and mull It over.  For me it was "the thing about Impeaching trump".  Trump is an OBSTRUCTION to American Democratic DECENCY and he's just GOTTA go.  The Problem with Impeachment is the Daunt of Whelm, overwhelming daunt-ed-ness.  It's EZ to get overwhelmed by the dint of daunt.  ALL THAT WORK.  This shit about being "Too Much Work" MEANS you gotta live in the FILTH and SQUALOR of American Degeneracy, Sloth and Political GLUTTONY that can ONLY promote Disease, Plague and Pestilence.  Nobody WANTS that but it would seem that democrats are reluctant to don shoulder pads and tackle the BEAST.  WTF ?  THAT'S what Old Age DOES.  It decreases your desire to take on Tasks that require BIG League Professionalism. 

THAT is why the New Kidz On The Block have an advantage, they're YOUNG or at the least, Young-ER.  They shouldn't be daunted by Whelm or whelmed by Daunt ---at least you'd think. 

That's what I mulled.  I got mired in mull there, at least for a while.  I was a while in Mull.  I was mull-ified.

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