Friday, December 7, 2018

Romancing the Stoned or Overcoming Inertia

"Overcoming Inertia" isn't the greatest title for ANYTHING except Overcoming Inertia.  An object "in motion" has Inertia, so to an object "at rest".  Inertia, it would appear, has EVERY aspect, trait and characteristic, of Zen Perplexity.  Inertia is BOTH "Movement" and "Stillness" at the EXACT Same Time.  What's not to love ?

There is the infuriating aspect of Status Quo that is somehow Inertia GUARANTEE !!
The American Government is, for all intents and purposes, "DEAD in the Water" and still "things" are getting done, Life goes on and on with not only abject simplicity but with a subjective complexity that borders on Political Mysticism.  Folks don't know HOW things "work", HOW are they to know when things DON'T Work ? 

We experience Politics.  Politics is a "Sensation".  You can see the Problem.  The Solution is Zen because Zen gets to BEFORE Sensation.  Pretty tricky but VERY "Real". 

The Reality of Inertia is that OUTSIDE Forces direct its Trajectory.  We gotta take that slow as we organize the ramifications.  Here's the first consideration :  The Status Quo MAY not have Internal Forces that execute Movement or Stillness but what it DOES have is "Mass".  The Status Quo has GREAT "MASS".  It takes unbelievable POWER to make it Move or make it STOP Moving. 

That's where I come in.

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