Saturday, December 15, 2018

..."Wax on, Wax off"...

I've been trying to build the American "Super-Citi-Zen" while making a half-assed attempt at applying Zen to American Politics in order "cure" a (Religious) Disease
labeled "trumpism".  It's a distillation that renders trumpism as "Cult".  Thing is, I'm uncertain that I've been successful, even by MY standards.

Here's the deal with that.  When I do Sword, EVERYTHING is Sword, INCLUDING "Life".  It's the same when I move Rock, when I Paint,, when I Carpenter,,, Life makes COMPLETE and TOTAL "Sense" when I am absorbed with the "Task At Hand".  However, it makes NO "Sense" to metaphor a Nation's Politics with Occupational Brevity.  The Problem is The Problem.  How many of you in Out There have handled a Chain Saw, Sword,, or have even "pounded a nail" ?  The Metaphor, at that level, DOESN'T "work", it doesn't "apply".  For "It" to "Work" the Metaphor must be available and accessible to All and Every.  I'm obsessed with "All" and "Every".

When Universalism is described by Specificity, Comprehension evaporates.

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