Saturday, December 8, 2018

"Slippery Fingers".

What we loath and despise about (and "in") trump, what we abhor and incinerate in Others, is Incessant Lying.  Lies disrupt the "Continuity" of Truth. We MUST somehow establish Truth as a PHYSICAL manifestation but of WHAT ?  We sometime hear, "The BODY of Evidence".  Can Truth have a Body ?  Time is icono-graphic-ly depicted as an Old Man With A Scythe.  Justice is a Blindfolded Goddess.  I have elsewhere offered Truth as a "Dakini" a Naked Woman.  But as  Naked Goddess I may have offended Her with a Vulnerability.  If Truth is a Dakini, what is Lies ?  We KNOW that Lies can defeat Truth in the Combat Cage.  It fucking SUCKS that They can be Equals.  Indeed, Lies, Deceit,, and Deception,,, have a POWERFUL Alliance.  What's a One to do in the Face of Such Awesomely Grotesque Adversity ?

You want a laugh ?

We should make Miss America POTUS.

So much for useless metaphor.

I'm leaving this here.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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