Friday, December 7, 2018

Multifarious Malicious-tudes.

I gotta be honest with ya' Kidz, If my body wasn't so god-damned mangled I'd be outside doin' stuff.  Urgency and I are have a RELIGIOUS Intimacy that manifests as NON-STOP  Now This, Now That.  When you trust that Meteorologists are LYING to you, the Universe dun Blows UP when Truth is actualized.  I was mentally-ill-prepared for Freezing Temperatures and Frozen Grounds.  It's hard enough to do even the simplest tasks at my age, for instance, just FINDING the Chalk [Plumb] Line can be a Lewis and Clark EXPEDITION into the TWILIGHT ZONE.  I have 4, maybe 5 even, and I still can't find The One that I WANT.  What I AM "discovering" is all this shit that REALLY needs my UTMOST Attention, like NOW, is distressingly resistant to MIRACULOUS EXIGENCY, so rather than dogged and intrepid I am helter-skelter and incipient but not in any GOOD way.  I trudge, I plod.

I can't stay focused because really BIG shit gets in my way.  I gotta do stump extractions and chain "mail" HUGE Boulders just to get a flimsy scintilla of recondite jurisprudence of the "Kitchen Table" order.  As I mentioned above, just getting tools MAYBE a Ritual of Transcendence that alters Reality and manipulates my Consciousness.  And when I finally complete a task it MAY look WICKET FUCKED UP and that causes me to sit down on my Throne of Crystal Magic and berate my own Philosophy of Magnitude. 

I don't even know what that means.

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