Saturday, December 15, 2018

Death Null

I want to make certain that we grasp the ENORMITY of the political task at hand.  I fear that a sense "change" is expected and with it results that harbinger a "better life" for the Majority of Americans.  I don't see how that's possible. 

Just because the democrats have gained control of the House of  Representatives DOESN'T mean that cataclysmal political reparations are "at hand" or even nearby.  The Senate has ALL the Power and trump wields the Weight of Veto.  Remember that Nixon started all this shit--a madman obsessed with himself and HIS "Vision" of a Presidency with UNLIMITED and UNRESTRICTED Power.  His Statement of Insanity, the one where he deadpanned, "If a President performs ANY operation, by definition, that operation CANNOT be deemed "criminal".  In short the President is NOT (just) Above The Law - - - He IS the Law.  

Recently Wise Men have generated a Rationality that understands the Defense of Political Insanity.  They understand that questioning Presidential "Authority" is questioning the Entirety of America.  Does trump have the Authority to commit High Crimes and Misdemeanors in the Name of Presidential Executive Power ? 

Can the Pres declare the Constitution Null and Void ?

You can see the Problem.

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