Saturday, December 8, 2018

Crap sap

Sorry about yesterday. I left for a moment and when I returned I couldn't get back onto the In-turd-net.  I don't know why that happens.  I have multiple conspiracy theories, all make me delirious.  I have issues---deep, hard driving,, and pernicious,,, all and to the last.

I don't like revisiting waste land.  Once I exit a territory it becomes Skull and Crossbones toxic.  My psyche is contaminated by Suspicion and another word for potential-repeat-discovery that just will not surface.  I use the image of a Maple Tree sap-tap. Once I remove it, I'm hard-pressed to position it, precisely, at the EXACT spot.  Creative (juices) Sap varies with Location.  Plus, I HATE reading myself a day later.  Even the Good Stuff appears to be penned by a Some One Other.  I read my shit and wonder, Who the fuck wrote this crap ?  I never know . . . .  To get closer, I figure I'm "tapping" the Tree of Knowledge.  This allows me to be a "conduit" free of Responsibility. 

It doesn't help that Time changes conditions.  It's not as if I can maintain a focus either.
Good Writers can.  I have a fly mind, I flit and fritter about.  I also have a monkey brain.  A Fly mind and a Monkey Brain.

What a combo....

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