Sunday, December 16, 2018

Acts As Bold As Love

I wonder that I live on or by vituperative dissonance.  From my Lofty Mountain I disparage, debase,, condemn,,, and mortify Mortal Egregious with only the expectation of dour relief.  I can't get by myself, I can't go back and I constantly get ahead of myself in an effort to express Political Perfection.  It's the Perfection of a Concrete Mason, where "Level" is anathema and "pitch" and "grade" are Industry Standards of "Correct Perception", where "angle" is The Way Of Life.  This THIS is EXACTLY what I have been trying to describe in yesterday's blogs.  Perfection is Relative to the Task At Hand and the Goal of Function. 

Nobody, not one of us, even ME, has been able to "get our shit together and KEEP it together".  American Democrats cannot agree on ANY political "Agenda":  individuals-as-elected-officials value their constituency and their "needs", and as a result, Order and Primary AMERICAN Considerations are blurred, there is no Vision, there can BE no Vision when Personal Interests ( in the form of LOCAL "emergencies") supersede National Well-Fare.   If Folks of LIKE Mind cannot agree to Terms of Engagement, then Folks of OPPOSITE Thinking have NO Chance of Political Reconciliation, Appeasement,, and most definitely,,, Compromise.

I've oft quoted Jimi,
"I know what I want /  but I just don't know /  how to go about gettin' it".

The dems don't even know what they want ----gettin' ANYTHING is therefore OUT of the Question.

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