Sunday, December 16, 2018


I have repeated again and again, over and over, that I value the Ancient Chinese and the Philosophy that "The Individual is the Foundation of the Empire".  I have also echoed Hesse, "A Society rests upon its Artists and Its Criminals".  Oddly and quite profoundly, trump is such an individual and criminal.  Go figure on that.

The "thing about trump" was that he had a "Vision" of America - expressed as, "Make America Great Again".  He lied, cheated,, and stole his way to Presidential Fame and OUR Misfortune.  What I want to scribe is the Vision itself, he had a Vision, Clinton did NOT. 

Great Leaders have these Visions, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Junior, JFK, Gandhi, Genghis Khan, the list is Long and Impressive - - - ... .  The Deal with "Vision" is that Each and Every  One Of Us  should also have and carry a Vision.  I borrowed from John McLaughlin and his Teacher Sri Chinmoy who poetic-ed "The Emerald Beyond".  I love that.  It's adamantine Utopia. 

The Problem is Acquisition, the HOW do we "get" the Vision to be actualized .
Here it is that "nuts and bolts", steel and lumber, are necessary for Construction and/or Movement.  In my Particular Instance, it's chain, jacks, Johnston Bars and "Come-alongs".  Moving Rock demands Movement, Prying,, Digging,,, and LEVERAGE.

Archimedes =  "Give me a place to stand, and I can move the Earth."
Carole King = "I feel the Earth move under my feet".

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