Saturday, December 8, 2018

Tengu Voodoo

I'm suppose-to be writing about the Neo-American Citi-Zen, a One who contributes to the Wellness and Fare of American Culture, Society and Civilization.  The Steve DeSilva who wrote Yesterday is in Nowhere-To-Be-Found .. instead,  "I" am here, the Cave Man Pond Dweller who NEEDS to write about Time, Relativity, Truth and Relative Truth.  It get's worse.... ___ ---- .

I have written elsewhere of my Tengu Masters.  You Kidz will prob-lee never get to The Demon's Sermon On The Martial Arts but, quite oddly, the Tengu HAVE been "represented" on The History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" you MITE catch a knowledge glimpse of Them there.  The Tengu are FORMIDABLE Task Masters.  They rely on The Power of Sword to E-X-P-A-N-D one's Conscious.  All "Things" are utilized by the Tengu, meaning, tricks, schemes, street dramas and dislocations are used to ensure a qualitative "off-putting" that somehow generates an Inner Balance.  Horrors and Ecstasies are EQUAL tools and weapons.  Great Swordsman are CONSTANTLY "Aware".  This is the Goal of Tengu Instruction.  The Tengu regard Time as a toy.  They have little use for Time, since Mastery is eternally UNAVAILABLE to ALL.  Instead, as I have previously noted, Continuity is Valued as The Absolute.  Time and Truth can be "disrupted".  Continuity, by its very definition, cannot.

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