Monday, February 28, 2022

Witch's Brew

           I am of the Conviction that Zen Master Seung Sahn had a Socio-Political Agenda when he Conceived and Implemented the Kwan Um Zen School.  I am CERTAIN he Viewed America as LACKING in the Depth Profundity of Compassion as a Necessary Adjunct of Meditative and Practicive DAILY Obligation.  "Perceive World Sound" had as ITS Orientation the Bodhisattva of Compassion Kwanseum Bosal (Avalokiteshvara) the Paramount if not Premier Bodhisattva of ALL Buddhist Sects.  Zen Master Seung Sahn continued to Champion Compassion through the Appellation "Kwan Um Do Kwang" {witch} then Guaranteed the Bond of Compassion to Sword Practice and Training and ITS {Reliquary} Mind Sword.  


77 Sunset Trip

           If Shim Gum Do [Mind Sword Path] is to be considered ANCHOR of `East Coast Sword` then Kwan Um Do Kwang [Perceive Sound and Light Illumined Path] MUST be considered Anchor of  `West Coast Sword`.  By the Time Shim Gum Do reached the West Coast it had undergone further `Evolutionary` `Advancements` that not only Refined Shim Gum Do but had taken its Core and Introduced new Sword Forms as well as adding "Sound and Light" to a Mind Sword that had previously been utilized ONLY as a Repetition based Matrix which assisted the Conscious to enter the UnConscious of "2nd Nature" (Autonomic) >>> Calibration.  

          The Ancient Traditions of Mexican Sorcery those of Toltec, Aztec, Mayan, and Incan Shamanic Influences, Introduced and Delivered by [among others] Carlos Castenada, were CEREMONIOUSLY `Injected` into those of Indo-Chinese and Korean Classical Disciplinary Rituals which resulted in a Reawakening  of SPIRITUALITY  and a PROFOUND Reentry of Compassion into Daily Practice and Training that had somehow Eluded East Coast Sword Dynamism.  In must be Noted that ALL these so-called Sorcery and "Brujo" `Injections` were Guided by Zen Master Seung Sahn PROVING the Universality of Enlightenment and Ancient Spiritual Traditions .        


           Part of my `Job` is to Guarantee that History recognizes the SPIRITUAL Evolution of Sword not  `away` from its 1st Intended but `In Addition To'.  The "Arrival" of the "Mind Sword Path" must be Viewed as Buddhism's MECHANICAL Evolution in that the (then) Present Socio-Political Conditions WARRANTED the RE-Introduction of this Martial Art in times of Street Violence and Gutter (Mainstream) Malevolence (so) that the Students and Practitioners of Zen find Protection from Egregious if not Heinous 'Aspects' of an American Culture gone the way of CATACLYSMAL "Polarization".  

          I must {Re-Mind} my Gentle Readers of the [Ancient] Kung Fu  Description of Martial Arts : "The Study of Martial Arts is for SPIRITUAL Reinforcement, a Reinforcement that MANIFESTS as 'Self-Defense' " .

          The American (Pop) Culture had already been almost SATURATED by Martial Arts via Bruce Lee's now Legendary Films, "Fist of Fury", "Chinese Connection", "Return of the Dragon" and "Game of Death", which were con-current-ed with the now FAMOUS TV Series "Kung Fu".  Amidst these, Akira Kurosawa's "The Seven Samurai" was `hitting` the Cinema Intellectual Sphere with PROFOUND Impact.  Americans became Familiar with the COMBAT quasi-Invincibility of Hand-to-Hand Exaction and Sword on Sword Execution.  However, Emphasis on the SPIRITUALITY of Martial Arts found Delivery ONLY in the broadcast of "Kung Fu".  By that time, America AND Martial Arts had been >>>>>>>>>> Tainted.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Steel We Alls

           During the Ministry of Zen Master Seung Sahn "Sword" surfaced in Korea and was Re-Introduced into Buddhism first in Japan and then America .  Also, Zen Master Seung Sahn sought to invest his Ministry with Compassion.  He established the "Kwan Um Zen School" where "Perceive World Sound" was Representation of The Compassion of KwanSeum Bosal [Avalokiteshvara] The "Compassionate One".  Perhaps HERE was Zen Master Seung Sahn's Recognition for the NEED of "Sword", and its Relevant, "Mind Sword" AND the NEED to reintroduce COMPASSION as NECESSARY Attributes if Society and Culture were to Advance along Spiritually PRODUCTIVE Avenues.  

         Recall Jesus's Hardscrabble :  "I do NOT come to bring Peace, I come to bring SWORD".  Here it is where I INSIST that SWORD = COMPASSION.  "I do not come to bring Peace, I come to bring COMPASSION ".  

          Consider .

Rock Steady..........Steady az She goz.

"Cookie Monster"

          Be advised :  "Do unto Others what you would have done unto you" CONFORMS  to the Mahayana Insight (of) "The Mutual Interpenetration of ALL Phenomena".  Here, [Mental] ACTION is Manifestation of Compassion, and MUST be correctly identified FIRST as `self Compassion` a Compassion of Spirituality that FULLY records the DESIRE for PEACE, the Peace of Day-to-Day Existence FREE of Antagonistic Conditionalities .  Here, "Love thy Neighbor AS THYSELF" is FROUGHT with internal `Complexities`, the ones of Self Hatred, Self Loathing and Pitiless UnWorthyNess .  Here it is where Compassion is abjectly NECESSARY if such Psychological Morbid-ities are to be                       Resolved.

          Let me be be Quantum Mechanically Clear :  the Phenomena that Compose and Comprise one's Self is IDENTICAL to the Phenomena that Composes and Comprises ALL Others .  Therefore "I am You --  You are Me" is a LOGICAL IMPERATIVE that CANNOT be Dismissed with Pejorative Profundity.

          Zen Master Seung Sahn Taught, "We're all cookies from the Same Bakery".

          Believe it.


"Cry `Havog` !!"

           I am experiencing apprehensive reluctance over characterizing Compassion as a "Double-edged Sword".  Finding suitable similes and metaphors is a Challenge in that Compassion, as Cozmic Absolute, requires the Reader to have familiarity with MANY of Compassion's Manifestations, not all of which can be viewed as `linked` to Love and ITS Manifestations.   Those of us Devoted to [the Divine of]  Tengu   `Influence` {Correctly} Perceive even "Tough Love" as Manifestation of Compassion, as DIFFICULT as it may be to accept.   SOME of this Difficulty can be alleviated by Recognizing "The Continuum" as THE UTMOST MANIFESTATION of the Tao, where Tao is THE Driving `Force` of ALL EXISTENCE .  

          The Duality of the Universe, identified by Opposites, DEFINES Existence, indeed, an object or an item can be 'known' (even) by its OPPOSITE. Shit, that's "Tough Sledding" REGARDLESS of terrain.  Here, Compassion MUST be Recognized in Universal CRUELTY -- something of an EGREGIOUS ANATHEMA to those of Lesser or Unrefined Conscience .  Here it is where the Tengu and Other Divinities wreak HAVOC upon the Hearts and Souls of the Unprepared who submit to a restrictive Horror that can be subdued {only} by the Emotional Inundation of Sorrow .    

Monday, February 21, 2022

Soul Existence

           Know this :  The Highest Order Absolute in the Universe [with regard to Human Understanding] is "Compassion".  It is NOT "Love".  Compassion TRANSCENDS Love in every Realm and in every Dimension .  Fully Apprehending "Seeing into One's Self" is to CORRECTLY View that "Self"-- the Universe's Self-- , as having at ITS Core "Compassion".  Knowing that the Universe is ME and I am the Universe GUARANTEES Entry into the Nirvana of  Transcendental Beauty .  

           Believe it.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goz....

The "I" in f-I-rst

           I have repeatedly used `Political Compassion` to describe Socialistic Tendencies, those of EQUITABLE "Distribution of Wealth".  The WILLFUL Degradation of VIABLE 'Values', the once held Foundation of Religious Authenticity, included 'Compassion' and its UNIVERSAL [catholic] Appeal to a Society and CULTURE anciently enamored by SPIRITUAL `Accelerations`.   (Goodness begets Goodness) .  What  had  been  Religious  Granite   >>"I AM my Brother's Keeper"<<    was Scorned and Contempt-ed into "I am NOT my Brother's Keeper" thereby ANNULLING the Previous Old Testament {Social} Contract which had been {Proclamated} by Moses, and in the New Testament, by Jesus  Himself.  Here now the Turning Away from "Good Samaritan" (site specific) Compassion to the WILLFUL Egoistic Indulgences that PERSONIFIED Cruelty thereby making IT [Cruelty]  a `Virtue` in the now Bio-Metrics of  "Hell-On-Earth"  Provision .  

Hell O

           It may be inappropriate to tag the Resignation of LBJ as THE "Death Knell" of Hippie-Ism.   LBJ was EPITOME of "White man speaks with forked tongue", and "2 Faced" Political Debauchery,  the Characteristic of  a Corruption whose 'life blood' was Hypocrisy .  LBJ and and his YEARNED for a Political (quasi) Utopia that had as ITS Foundation Socialistic `Presentations` of Democracy' (at its BEST).   How is it that a man who VALUED Economic and Racial Equanimity could be SOOO Imperialistic that WAR remained as `garrulous`  Highest Order Recondite Apostasy ?   

          It may be Best to RE-Designate Hippie-Ism as a "Craze" which would then allow `Hippie-atic Hedonism` to qualify the Attempt at a Social Order Reformation.   NO FUCKING WAY was the Status Quo going to allow the Asylum Dwellers to advance into Warism with the Mind to Transform the Collective Conscience into a ConsciousNess of  PEACE-LOVING  semi-Divinity .   

          Whatever POSITIVE Values the Hippie Craze promoted and that "Flower Power" promulgated were obscenely Dismissed not even as Unattainable Utopian Exigencies but as Malicious and POLLUTED Socio-Political `Atmosphere-ics`.   

          "Say Hello to my little friend."

Hate Ash Bury

           Elsewhere I have echoed the Descriptions of Hippie-Ism Failure `sounded-out` by Robert Pirsig and Others, who reported the "Dog-Eat-Dog" Atrocities committed BY Hippies UPON THEIR OWN in various Locations, the prominent among them, "Haight-Ashbury" which had become, by that time, a Haven and even a Sanctuary for young Hippies of QUESTIONABLE `Devotion`.   "Free Love" had come with a COST of Un-Imaginable Horror as Drug Use, and Prostitution became "go-too" Relevance(s) that could provide for Addictive Drugs, and what little Real Food was required for a (quasi) Nomadic Existence .  Steve Winwood, in 1970,  had harbinger-ed potential Calamity with his "Stranger To Himself" wherein "Struggling with Confusion, Disillusionment too" identified what was to be Whole-scale Chaos as the so-called "Great Society" had veered onto and into feral Detestation where it was to continue its Decay and Dissolution .  


King Shit

           By the Time the "O'Jays" hit the Street with "Ship Ahoy" in 1973 it was as if Society had "Lost" its Bearings (and Moral Compass for that matter) and the O'Jay's 'Counter' was to remind everyone  "For The Love Of Money" was THE CAUSE of Societal Hardship, Misery and indeed, Suffering itself.  Nixon's Demise coincided with the Demise of Spiritualism's Virtues and the continued Ascendancy of a now dogged Materialism characterized by Greed, Avarice, Gluttony and the Turning-Away from an Altruistic Self to the near maniacal Ego-Driven Assertion of Wealth-as-Identity -- no matter How Tiny that 'Display' was.   "Keeping up with the Jones-es", the one of 'Tit-for-Tat' Superficiality, was high-lighted by a new Perception of Humanity itself, recognized in "The Human Race is now the "RAT Race" a Conceit generated by Those whose Exasperation had reached into the Realm of  Demagogic Cynicism in order to alleviate, somewhat, the Societal Neurosis of Clandestine Misanthropy .  

          Here it was where Arrogance became some-sort of Aspirational Attention given Authority by the {Fraze}, "If you got it, FLAUNT IT".  Here it was whereby Humility that had once been CHERISHED as "Godlike" was now relegated to Public Anathema, in that It was seen NOT as of Divine Origin, but of HUMAN Root and Source, and worse, Humility was assigned EQUAL Status alongside 'Weakness'.  Good and Charitable Folk had to forcefully State :"DON'T Mistake my Kindness for Weakness".   This Expression proved to be of NO Avail.   

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Resolve {Re Solve}

           Virtue, in its various Manifestations, was now at CRITICAL Depletion.   An Ancient Dentist Told me, "Conservatism because of Age is NATURAL".  [I recoiled instantly.]  Indeed, Age had chronically Weakened Hippie-Ism.  But this was no "Natural" Affliction. The UNREMITTING Threat of Possible Human ANNIHILATION, the Viet Nam War and Ford's use of "Presidential Pardon" OBLITERATED whatever feeble Resolve remained .   It is Imperative to try and Understand What and How Psychological Dynamics MUTATED the Collective Conscious  allowing for the Transformation from Pure to Corrupt.  

          "Mark Twain" coined "The Gilded Age" and applied it to Post-Civil War Politics and Theatrics.  I'm going to Mimic and apply The 2nd Gilded Age to Post Nixonian Anathema .   The Gilded Age `reflects` ...glittering on the surface, but corrupt underneath" .   From 'Digital History'  this >>>

               "...the late 19th Century was a period of greed and guile:  of rapcious Robber Barons,               unscrupulous spectators, and corporate buccaneers;  of shady practices, scandal plagued politics,      and vulgar display . ".

          Look familiar ?

"Elephant Mountain"

           Nixon and his danced on the grave of Hippie-Ism.  [ Gallogly and I were driving on Hunting Lodge Road from Ellsworth my dorm to Some Other Place.  I can't remember what the context was but David mentioned, "Nixon was a Quaker".  I recall the sick in the pit of my stomach as I realized the fucking ENORMITY of Nixon's BETRAYAL .  How could someone BUTCHER Divine Precepts of Non-Aggression, Abject Passivity and Virtuous Conduct in the Name of a Merciful and Compassionate God ?  ]    Nowhere was there to be found a more bloodthirsty KILLER of Democratic Decency.  Nixon PERSONIFIED the DENIAL of even rudimentary Humanism such was the Filth and Squalor of his MANIACAL Self-Devotion .  He is oft quoted, "If the President does something it CANNOT be Criminal".  The translation is Hall and Bench Mark =  >>> I <<< can do no Wrong .  Here now EGREGIOUS Arrogance, an Arrogance that itself was Transformational as it 'filtered down' from Oval Office to Mainstream and Mainriver Actuality.  Gone from Public Purview the last vestiges of Hippie-Ism's Virtue >> the one of Brother and Sister Hood, the one of "Everybody come together now, Try to LOVE one another, right now." 

          The sad thing was,  nobody cared .

"Bye bye Miss American Pie"

           Know this :  Among the Hippies there existed a 'Drive' to Understand "The Meaning of Life".  Attention to Drug Induced Contemplation, Transcendental Meditation and Buddhism (in general) was a Thread of Consciousness that had Spirituality as Ribbon.  Sexual and Intellectual Hedonism was ALMOST avoided, in that the Kama Sutra was championed as a Vehicle to attain Liberation and Enlightenment through Sexual Congress .   However, Devotion to the Practice of the Various Forms and Deliveries of Spirituality waned, Diluting Virtue Purity to unrecognizable Levels. Indeed, Pirsig notes that "the Pill" had the unintended Consequence of DEVALUING (the 'propagation' of) Children .  Children were Obstacles in the Life of not only Career but one's desire to be Free of ALL `Encumbrances` allowing for  an Existence of Dis-Responsibility to Evolutionary Demands and Societal Obligations .  "Smoke Dope, Drink Beer, Get High"  >>a Rally Cry of 70's Nit Wits<<  extended well beyond college colloquy and into Street and Gutter Obeisance .  

           Hippie-Ism died and died a Horrible Death .

Friday, February 11, 2022


           I believe it was the Comic Genius, Garry Trudeau, who began to label Opulence as the Significant Quality of Post-Carter Society.  Once "Jiminey Cricket" `left`, Rich Bitch Witches were heard to Command,  "Open the Safes, breakout my Jewels".   I am of the mind to tag the Carter Administration as the last bastion of Queen "Mary Jane", who had decked the White House Walls with Plumes of  Tokes .  Hippie-Ism, with all its "We The People", and  "Long Haired Freaky People" Simpatico exited Society along with Jiminey .  Worn-torn Levis and ripped-up sneakers found themselves uniformed by "Grunge" and Expressed as "Punk Rock" `Counter-Ism` by a `knoo` Youth, the Offspring of near Maniacal Protesters, whose UNRELENTING Efforts removed LBJ from Office along with the the South Viet Nam Government from World Stage Identity ,  'carried on'  IN FORM ONLY , the now quasi Depiction of Aggravated Youth, a Youth now removed-to-unidentifiable Distance .  Indeed, Materialism was GLORIFIED by a Young Madonna whose Proclamation, "I am a Material Girl", reverberated throughout the Land with Depth Profundity  and astonishing Resonance .   

Thursday, February 10, 2022


           Those Misfits, who had CORRECTLY Identified Chairman Mao's 'Turning of the Communist Wheel' as "Cultural REVOLUTION" were slow if not ADDLED by their Status Quo Conscious-Mess which offered only "Counter-Culture" with respect to the Reality of Protestational INSURRECTION .  They Viewed this Insurrection as Drug Induced Civilizational Altruism, the Product of Youthful Romance instead of its TRUE Actuality, the REVOLT of Status Quo War-Time Propagandal Hegemony.  

          Nor was there to be Recognition on behalf of  Status Quotients that they had INTENTIONALLY supplied the  Medium  for  Cultural Transmogrification  by  DENYING  the  Utopic  Validity  of the "Declaration of Independence" which CLEARLY Stated the Agenda of SPIRITUAL PROFUNDITY, that of EQUALITY, JUSTICE and {NON-CASTE}  PROSPERITY .   The "Pursuit of HappyNess" was abjectly DISQUALIFIED and  obscenely Relegated to Anti-Democracy SEDITION which could be addressed ONLY by MILITARY EXIGENCY Evidenced by the Appalling ATROCITY of the Kent State Massacre .

          "Aint no fukn drugz gonna fix this shit".

Pill Ory

           The Youth of a War Ravaged Nation, who faced the Possibility of their own Demise, turned to Outlets (and Inlets) of Drug Ingestion that they may find some sort of Solace in Reality Deprivation.   Dr. Timothy  Leary  advanced  the  use  of   LSD   to B-R-O-A-D-E-N, DEEPEN and E-X-P-A-N-D the Collective ConsciousNess that a HIGHER >>>Tuned To The Infinite<<< Consciousness supplant the Existing.   Not even a Mention was offered as a WARNING to the UnInitiated to Prepare them for the  `Incalculable`.   Further, the Desire for RELIEF from Reality and the Real Time HORRORS of War generated a Desire for JUST NOW Immediacy, meaning, as with the lack of Warning, so too was there a lack of Understanding, an Understanding that only CONCERTED EFFORT and the DURATION of Meditation could produce the aforementioned Relief.  Dr. Leary and his offered a SHORTCUT to Cozmic ConsciousNess which was egregiously Seized by the CareWorn and Weary.   There was to be no Relief .

Mister Ed

           American Pop Culture had ALREADY been Introduced by none-other than the "Beatles" who had brought INDIAN Yogins to America.  "Shock" and"Awe" reverberated throughout a Nation that BELIEVED it was Insulated against ANY Foreign Invasion, let-alone a 'Soft' Invasion by KIDZ .  Even the Conservative ICON Ed Sullivan was FORCED to Feature the Beatles on HIS Stage, thereby granting IMMUNITY to the Beatles and with THAT their Indulgence in heretofore ESOTERIC (to Americans) Philosophies.  Indian Spiritualities blanketed the ConsciousNess of Youth, warming them to the Infinite Possibilities of Inner and Outer Peace.  Noble indeed, and yet HIDEOUSLY Romantic .

Welcome to the Bungle

           Advance into the Americas proved to be  Jaunt into Daunt.  In the Past, Devout Buddhist Indians had succeeded in introducing both Buddhism and Zen with RELATIVE `eez`.  The Pantheon of Hindu Gods enabled and Promoted  Acceptance  by Locals, in that Buddhism was able to Modify and then Codify EXISTING Deities with somewhat surprising Candor .  Here it was where Buddhist Bodhisattvas could be 'seen' WITHIN the Local Divinities thus `lubricating` the Introduction which then assisted Recognition and Identification.   

          This 'This' was NOT the Case when Zen Masters landed in America.  Christianity and its somewhat 'bastard' Sister, Protestantism, had a "Strangle-hold" on the Hearts and Minds of the VAST majority of the Populace, indeed, the Puritans "came to" the America with but ONE Agenda,  to  Live in  a  Peace  where  they  would  NOT  be  Persecuted  by  Govern-MENTAL  `Heavies`.  

         Decades on the Reliance of a Christian God can be seen as ADDICTIVE in both Nature and Form.  Within THAT Contextual Condition, Americans not only had no NEED for  Foreign `Intervention`    their Addiction BLINDED them to the Truths of Buddhism and Its Management of Misery and Suffering.  



Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Miss Adventure


          I gotta get out and do some Spring-tyme Stuff .  Weather Forecasters have projected 50 degree temperatures with very little wind~~~~~ IDEAL Conditions for a Romp in the HEY .  

          During Her last Visitation to Fatima the Bless-ed Mother COMMANDED that the Land of Russia be CONSECRATED .  Instead, the Nit-Wit Pope Consecrated the Entire Planet and did NOT Specifically Consecrate Russia thereby IGNORING the Great Mother's Directive .  There is no way of knowing what the Effects would have been had the Pope simply OBEYED Her Prime Directive.  That 'IT' got me wonderin' if America wasn't Consecrated by Visiting Zen Masters and as a Result, Zen succeeding at FAILING to gain Foundational 'Foot-hold' DESPITE the Brilliance and Beauty of the 70's {Tell-a-Vision} Series "Kung Fu" which Represented Traditional Martial Arts Training with ELEGANT GRACE and Spiritual PROFUNDITY .  "Pearls before Swine" is all I can make of THAT .


Rock Steady........Steady az She goz.

Miss Aligned

           There arose a Zen `Dilettante-Ism` .   Here, Zen was incorporated into "New Age", "Age of Aquarius" and a 'New' Metaphysics that was corrupted by "All Things Supernatural", including Oracle Consultation and Divination  the I Ching and Tarrot for Examples.   Witchcraft, Sorcery and Magic added `Fabric` to the Pop-Culture `Tapestry` but theez served only to cloak the REAL Reality of Zen Buddhism.

          There existed and STILL exists a Spiritual RELUCTANCE to accept the 1st Noble Truth "All Existence entails Suffering" .   Dr. Edward Conze in his (now Treasured)  A Short History of Buddhism reflects the abject DIFFICULTY for Buddhism to be Accepted by Human Carnivores and Its (relative) EASE to be Accepted by Rice Consuming Nationalities .   TREMENDOUS Progress was made by Zen Disciples as they Advanced into China, Korea and Japan and later into the sub-Asian Conglomerates of  Burma, Celon, Nepal, Kashmir, Tibet and the Modern Others, all VAST Rice Eating Primaries .  Americans, on the other hand, proved to be stalwart DENIERS of Existential Suffering.  How could there be Suffering in a Land where Milk and Honey flowed UNCEASINGLY like the waters of the Mighty Mississippi ?    2 words ::  Impossible !

Miss Conceptions

           One of my Heroes, Robert Pirsig, `ran out` several Passages regarding 70's Hippie Spirituality, Zen specifically .  Zen Master D.T. Suzuki and beat-nik Alan Watts were `awarded` Icon Status in the Hippie Community, which I hesitate to tag "Sangha".   The 1st Edition of  Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind hit the streets in 1970 with notable 'success' .  Allan Watts and his were infected with what I will identify as the `Bucolic Plague` the one of sensory and thinking suspension >> the freedom from Thought Impositions<< which resulted in the activation of Physical Delight and Imagination-based Wonder .   Hippies believed that Inner Peace could be attained through the Practice of Zen Meditation and this 'comprehension' is, Valid, of course,   BUT   IFF the Practice was executed with steadfast Commitment over SEVERAL Years.   I insist,  there was no such 'Steadfast Commitment'   that Hippies `lazed-out` and attended only to the FORM of  Meditation not its Spirit .   The Zen `Movement` evaporated leaving behind, as residue, complex Mysteries of Sight and Sound and Bewildering Perplexities of "No Self No Mind" .   Zen, as a Spiritual Tradition, was never Viewed as it truly was, a somewhat Severe DISCIPLINE .   Few were willing to undergo the hardscrabble hardships of PHYSICAL Austerity , the abject NECESSITY of DAILY Practice and "Off The Cushion" Socio-Political Interaction .  

Miss Construe

           I luv the one where Folks tell ya, "I tried 'not to think', but then I began to think about 'Not Thinking' ".  There is never any emotion paucity in Honesty .   Truth is, one must be Taught HOW 'not to think'----no e-z task .  

          I've hadta promote an analogy that I figured would aid and assist Beginners who Desire Access to The Hidden Realms and Invisible Dimensions .  It's this :  Thinking is to the Brain, as Breathing is to the Lungs .  I added, Thinking is as NATURAL as Breathing .   Where Breathing is controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System, Thinking is controlled by Mind .   In the Realm of Zen Romance, "Thoughts appear and disappear like clouds in the sky."  The Romance can be troublesome in that 'IT' may be misconstrued that 'thoughts' themselves, have a 'Self Nature', and therefore exist INDEPENDENTLY from Mind .  They do not exist Independently nor do they have a 'Self Nature' .  They 'come and go' as easily as breaths and clouds .   Hold fast to THAT simply because 'IT' makes all the Rest so much easier to Grasp.

Miss Trust


          I allowed myself to feel 'satisfaction' yesterday, but only after I completed the Blogz .  I sat in Chairy-Chair my mind at eez and at drift subject to nothing more than the gentle breezes of colophon collage .   

          I admit, I DONT like to hand over my Pen to ANY 'Editor', there are ALWAYS residual aftereffects  and  stylistic  aggravations  that  an  Editor  INSISTS  are  pertinent  to Reader 'Involvement', not the least of which is Vocabulary .   'Content' is NEVER at Issue, however, Context and Relevance remain a PRIMARY Source of  'Pro & Con' Inner Debate .   Scholarship has INDUSTRIAL Standards which, even on a GREAT Day,  DEMANDS Attention to Details, the ones of 'loose ends' and FLAGRANT Grammatical Violations .   Don't get me started on 'Spelling'.    

          Still & Despite theez considerations I sat in Chairy-Chair able to 'purr' .  Trust me when I tell U, itz RARE .   At some point "Non-Thinking" 'surfaced' as a Resolution to a Quandary that can be described as "a walk in freshly poured concrete" .  I began to float ---  I could see Everything .

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

UnFettered Mind

           I am a HUGE Fan of Incendiary Vehemence especially when I can sublimate it with {into} Rhetorical Expression thereby cloaking it as Satire and Cynicism .    Make NO Mistake here , American Democracy DEMANDS I be the BIIIIGEST ASSHOLE I can be and for SURE,, I should have NO Equal.  

          My LOVE for this Country is UNBOUNDED ,  such is the Very Nature of Militant Idealism which SANCTIONS Utopic Visionary Sanctity .   Fortunately or UN , I am chronically `vituperous`.  I revel in the Obscene and Vulgar .   Mercifully this Vituperation is somewhat neutralized by Scholastic Humanitarianism, the one of BELIEF IN HUMANKIND that It, as in WE , can Surmount even the Most DAUNTING Obstacles REGARDLESS of their GROTESQUEENORMITY .   I Believe .

          There IS Relief, but it is in the  Form & EmptyNess  of MIND !!!    I BELIEVE that Zen CAN Modify our Collective Mind and Generate a Collective ConsciousNess that can Respond to Dark Ages `Myopia` with CATACLYSMAL Elegance .   

          There is an Essence of Zen that can be found in the Everyday of of Common Commercial, here I speak of Nike's "Just Do It".  {Hear}, the Goddess Psyche goes all ZEN to Proclaim the Perfection of   "DONT Think about it"  ---------->  JUST DO IT .   Here it is where "The Non-Thinking Mind" advantages SUPERIORITY over the Thinking Mind which OBSCURES Simplistic Rationality by its Clutterful Emotionality and sometimes Paranoid-ic Pathos .   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goz .




"The horror, the horror ."

           I regret not aggressively advancing the Conceit of "Dark Ages" Socio-Political and Intellectual Atrophy .   You recall, that when trump obtained the "Presidency" I `proclaimed` the 2nd "Dark Ages" would follow with UNREMITTING INEVITABILITY .   And so it came to pass .  DeSantis and his have DeClared WAR on "Woke" ,  the  ConsciousNess  of  "Awakened"  >>   the one of Enlightened Conduct-Ivity.   DeSantis and his have DISMISSED the Clinical Assertion of Truth as a fuking MALADY of  Modern Conceptualization .    For them,  not only is there NO NEED of Academic Forbearance, Academia itself lies within the Scope and Measure of  Recondite Insolence .   Here it is where Teachers are to be treated as SLAVES of the Ignorance Endowed .   The Chains, Shackles and Manacles of Ancient Status Quo Bondage is hereby Manifested with CRIMINAL Lethality as Teachers MUST amend their curricula to advance MINDLESS Insistence(s) of Bubonic Irrationality , that of Brain and WHITE WASH . 

          Marlon Brando wheezed it best :   "The horror, the horror."


Only Nothing Lasts Forever

           Martin Luther's "The Arc of Justice" gets Us to Halfway  BARELY .   What he left unsaid was  that Arc  SWINGS BACK to the Truth of INJUSTICE .  The PENDULUM SWINGS .   The "Problem" is one of Recognition, the One whereby HISTORY is Cyclical in Nature, meaning, Birth, Growth,, Decay,,, and Death are the Essences and Rudiments of Existence .   Failure to Recognize the Transitory 'Posture" of Democracy results in Political Hemophilia ,, the one where [Democracy's] Truth of Virtues is subject to the NEEDles and Scalpels of BARBARIC Primates .   I am one of THOZ who MUST Insist that the Current `Predicament` of the  Pandemic  Spread   of  Global  Trumpism  is  utterly  and  completely NATURAL .  ALL Empires DIE !!!  As cynically HARSH as that may be its TRUTH is Universal ABSOLUTE .  

          The ONLY 'Thing' that "lasts Forever' is Nothing.

KKK Sera

           Clinical Bewilderment results from systematic REJECTION of  Psychological TRUTHS where 'Truths' are the Archetypal Constellations of Inborn Psychic Content(s) .   Here,  Archetypes  that  are Responsible for the Formulations of Emotional and Ethical Perceptions are ravenously IGNORED only to succumb to the INTENSE POWER of "C'est la vie" `Poetics` and the "Que sera sera" of desultory Fate-I-tudes .   Where Ideological Platitudes should be reached as easily as "the next breath", Idiomatic Inconsistencies abound to mute if not DEADEN Voices of REASON .  AmeriKKKan democrats steadfastly REFUSE  to Confront LIFE-THREATENING  Exigencies as though life in `Oblivion` can NEUTRALIZE  the HORROR of  IMMANENT ANNIHILATION  . 



           When ONE "man" can Summon a Nation and WILL them accede to his Delirium , it may be sed that Either HE has Great "Pied Piper" Power ,, or THEY have NO Personal Power what-so-ever .   Either Way -- The Delirium maintains Itself according to the NEEDS of the FEW .   There is abject SUPER-Natural Occlusion with regard to the Vicious Tenacity of trumpist Idol-ology .   Handsomely Paid 'Observers'  can volunteer only Oblate Reconnoiter of Current Political Territory rendering them USELESS to even "Captain Obvious" whose well known VALUE lies in expressing the PROFUNDITY of Superficial Extravagance .   Amidst the AmeriKKKan Civil War Tumult can be heard ITZ Echo in Canada where the Demonic Kryz of "NO VAXX" resound with HORRIFIC Congratulations to Thoz of Moronic Indecency .  Yet AmeriKKKan  Journalists and Reportists FAIL to Represent IN DEPTH Analysis of provincial and catholic MISERY !   Here it is where Understanding The Problem is ESSENTIAL in Delivering the  CONTEXTUAL QUALITY   of    PUBLIC AWARENESS .    

        What is this so-called Problem ?   What is it EXACTLY that "Must be Solved ?"  

Thursday, February 3, 2022


           During a ragged, one-sided phone communication Master Fortin TOLD me to, "Leave me out of it".   For  like  the  crack-head  ZILLIONTH  tyme  I  wondered,  "How  many  years  do  I  get  for Manslaughter ?"  How was I suppose to 'Write' about Kwan Um Do Kwang WITHOUT 'him' inside of 'It'  as  Agent Of Origin ?   It stopped me "Dead in my tracks".   It's been many SEVERAL Daze and STILL I can find NO `Avenue of Presentation` .   Dr. Joseph Campbell INSISTS that Myths MUST be Formulated in the BROADEST TERMS Possible, thereby encapsulating the Varieties of the Known while incorporating Aspects of the Unfamiliar, most often seen as Magic and Mystery .   Marc Studied with THE "Carlos Castenada" for YEARS in order to Advance and DEEPEN his Understanding of the Psychological Physics of Zen Sword and to REFINE It by the Practice of Brujo Sorcery .  Exactly HOW was I gonna convey his Experiences THERE, with the Experience of Sword HERE ???

          Anybody got any ideas ?

Glandular Fantasy

           I continue to feel Guilt about NOT Working on The Book---it's everything you think---Shame, disHonesty, Remorse----all those Good Things that "Keep us going"--- .  As with Sword, in the Same Way you want to get to a Point where the Forms Do YOU, so it is with Ryting the Book, I want to get to a 'Place' where there is no 'Work',  a  Place  of  "Non-Doing"  where  the  Book ` Rytes Itself ` .   I admit, it's Glandular  Fantasy,  but  as  Glandular Fantasies  go, it's one of the Best .   `It's` an Ease of Delivery, the one where Universal Energies Flow of their own accord, with Clarity and (oddly) Resiliency,,  to express Thoughts and Thinking in such a manner that Invites 'Reader Absorption'.  Here, the Written Word `embodies` MEANING and does NOT require depth `contexuality`, the one of annoyance and perturbation .   Here, `Reading is Believing` --- the Truth of Truth WITHOUT the menacing aggravations of Suspicion and Doubt .  



          I sometimes wonder if I'll ever write again .  I sometimes Revel in swimming in the Oceanic Cesspool I have elsewhere tagged as 'Existence'.  It's a Gift .

          I luxuriate in the 'Knowing' I have PLENTY about which to Write, yet I dwell in a Vast Emptiness that is remarkably Soothing. It is  As If  I possess All Knowledge, All Wisdom and the Compassion of All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas  in the Three Realms.  What need have I for ANYTHING ?

          And Yet ~~~~ 

          I sat in Chairy-Chair wondering about which Draft to deliver---I loathe starting with some ridiculous Beginning, shit, why not just  "Jump In"  mid-Stream  and  Sprint  until  the  Oxygen  `runs-out` ?   Who would notice and more importantly,, who would Care ?