Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Miss Adventure


          I gotta get out and do some Spring-tyme Stuff .  Weather Forecasters have projected 50 degree temperatures with very little wind~~~~~ IDEAL Conditions for a Romp in the HEY .  

          During Her last Visitation to Fatima the Bless-ed Mother COMMANDED that the Land of Russia be CONSECRATED .  Instead, the Nit-Wit Pope Consecrated the Entire Planet and did NOT Specifically Consecrate Russia thereby IGNORING the Great Mother's Directive .  There is no way of knowing what the Effects would have been had the Pope simply OBEYED Her Prime Directive.  That 'IT' got me wonderin' if America wasn't Consecrated by Visiting Zen Masters and as a Result, Zen succeeding at FAILING to gain Foundational 'Foot-hold' DESPITE the Brilliance and Beauty of the 70's {Tell-a-Vision} Series "Kung Fu" which Represented Traditional Martial Arts Training with ELEGANT GRACE and Spiritual PROFUNDITY .  "Pearls before Swine" is all I can make of THAT .


Rock Steady........Steady az She goz.

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