Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Miss Aligned

           There arose a Zen `Dilettante-Ism` .   Here, Zen was incorporated into "New Age", "Age of Aquarius" and a 'New' Metaphysics that was corrupted by "All Things Supernatural", including Oracle Consultation and Divination  the I Ching and Tarrot for Examples.   Witchcraft, Sorcery and Magic added `Fabric` to the Pop-Culture `Tapestry` but theez served only to cloak the REAL Reality of Zen Buddhism.

          There existed and STILL exists a Spiritual RELUCTANCE to accept the 1st Noble Truth "All Existence entails Suffering" .   Dr. Edward Conze in his (now Treasured)  A Short History of Buddhism reflects the abject DIFFICULTY for Buddhism to be Accepted by Human Carnivores and Its (relative) EASE to be Accepted by Rice Consuming Nationalities .   TREMENDOUS Progress was made by Zen Disciples as they Advanced into China, Korea and Japan and later into the sub-Asian Conglomerates of  Burma, Celon, Nepal, Kashmir, Tibet and the Modern Others, all VAST Rice Eating Primaries .  Americans, on the other hand, proved to be stalwart DENIERS of Existential Suffering.  How could there be Suffering in a Land where Milk and Honey flowed UNCEASINGLY like the waters of the Mighty Mississippi ?    2 words ::  Impossible !

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