Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Steel We Alls

           During the Ministry of Zen Master Seung Sahn "Sword" surfaced in Korea and was Re-Introduced into Buddhism first in Japan and then America .  Also, Zen Master Seung Sahn sought to invest his Ministry with Compassion.  He established the "Kwan Um Zen School" where "Perceive World Sound" was Representation of The Compassion of KwanSeum Bosal [Avalokiteshvara] The "Compassionate One".  Perhaps HERE was Zen Master Seung Sahn's Recognition for the NEED of "Sword", and its Relevant, "Mind Sword" AND the NEED to reintroduce COMPASSION as NECESSARY Attributes if Society and Culture were to Advance along Spiritually PRODUCTIVE Avenues.  

         Recall Jesus's Hardscrabble :  "I do NOT come to bring Peace, I come to bring SWORD".  Here it is where I INSIST that SWORD = COMPASSION.  "I do not come to bring Peace, I come to bring COMPASSION ".  

          Consider .

Rock Steady..........Steady az She goz.

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