Tuesday, February 8, 2022


           When ONE "man" can Summon a Nation and WILL them accede to his Delirium , it may be sed that Either HE has Great "Pied Piper" Power ,, or THEY have NO Personal Power what-so-ever .   Either Way -- The Delirium maintains Itself according to the NEEDS of the FEW .   There is abject SUPER-Natural Occlusion with regard to the Vicious Tenacity of trumpist Idol-ology .   Handsomely Paid 'Observers'  can volunteer only Oblate Reconnoiter of Current Political Territory rendering them USELESS to even "Captain Obvious" whose well known VALUE lies in expressing the PROFUNDITY of Superficial Extravagance .   Amidst the AmeriKKKan Civil War Tumult can be heard ITZ Echo in Canada where the Demonic Kryz of "NO VAXX" resound with HORRIFIC Congratulations to Thoz of Moronic Indecency .  Yet AmeriKKKan  Journalists and Reportists FAIL to Represent IN DEPTH Analysis of provincial and catholic MISERY !   Here it is where Understanding The Problem is ESSENTIAL in Delivering the  CONTEXTUAL QUALITY   of    PUBLIC AWARENESS .    

        What is this so-called Problem ?   What is it EXACTLY that "Must be Solved ?"  

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