Monday, February 21, 2022

Hate Ash Bury

           Elsewhere I have echoed the Descriptions of Hippie-Ism Failure `sounded-out` by Robert Pirsig and Others, who reported the "Dog-Eat-Dog" Atrocities committed BY Hippies UPON THEIR OWN in various Locations, the prominent among them, "Haight-Ashbury" which had become, by that time, a Haven and even a Sanctuary for young Hippies of QUESTIONABLE `Devotion`.   "Free Love" had come with a COST of Un-Imaginable Horror as Drug Use, and Prostitution became "go-too" Relevance(s) that could provide for Addictive Drugs, and what little Real Food was required for a (quasi) Nomadic Existence .  Steve Winwood, in 1970,  had harbinger-ed potential Calamity with his "Stranger To Himself" wherein "Struggling with Confusion, Disillusionment too" identified what was to be Whole-scale Chaos as the so-called "Great Society" had veered onto and into feral Detestation where it was to continue its Decay and Dissolution .  


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