Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Miss Trust


          I allowed myself to feel 'satisfaction' yesterday, but only after I completed the Blogz .  I sat in Chairy-Chair my mind at eez and at drift subject to nothing more than the gentle breezes of colophon collage .   

          I admit, I DONT like to hand over my Pen to ANY 'Editor', there are ALWAYS residual aftereffects  and  stylistic  aggravations  that  an  Editor  INSISTS  are  pertinent  to Reader 'Involvement', not the least of which is Vocabulary .   'Content' is NEVER at Issue, however, Context and Relevance remain a PRIMARY Source of  'Pro & Con' Inner Debate .   Scholarship has INDUSTRIAL Standards which, even on a GREAT Day,  DEMANDS Attention to Details, the ones of 'loose ends' and FLAGRANT Grammatical Violations .   Don't get me started on 'Spelling'.    

          Still & Despite theez considerations I sat in Chairy-Chair able to 'purr' .  Trust me when I tell U, itz RARE .   At some point "Non-Thinking" 'surfaced' as a Resolution to a Quandary that can be described as "a walk in freshly poured concrete" .  I began to float ---  I could see Everything .


  1. I first heard DSS say JUST do it in 1975 I heard him say it over and over , to the great band of self important thinkers around him. Alway had a laugh when they would apply their PHD fumes and stinkin thinkin to what ever task he was asking to have done.Once at the blue roof temple after a year of the committee meeting He took me up the hill and told me what he asked the group to do a year before.,after he lined it and saw my face he started to say jjj he smiled , I said I’ll get after it starting now,,,it got done! So when I heard Nike I laughed they are good they have moneytized the old man’s dharma.I must confess I bought a pair of their sneakers then👏🏻🤪

  2. "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful." Thank You Master Fortin .
