Saturday, February 12, 2022

"Elephant Mountain"

           Nixon and his danced on the grave of Hippie-Ism.  [ Gallogly and I were driving on Hunting Lodge Road from Ellsworth my dorm to Some Other Place.  I can't remember what the context was but David mentioned, "Nixon was a Quaker".  I recall the sick in the pit of my stomach as I realized the fucking ENORMITY of Nixon's BETRAYAL .  How could someone BUTCHER Divine Precepts of Non-Aggression, Abject Passivity and Virtuous Conduct in the Name of a Merciful and Compassionate God ?  ]    Nowhere was there to be found a more bloodthirsty KILLER of Democratic Decency.  Nixon PERSONIFIED the DENIAL of even rudimentary Humanism such was the Filth and Squalor of his MANIACAL Self-Devotion .  He is oft quoted, "If the President does something it CANNOT be Criminal".  The translation is Hall and Bench Mark =  >>> I <<< can do no Wrong .  Here now EGREGIOUS Arrogance, an Arrogance that itself was Transformational as it 'filtered down' from Oval Office to Mainstream and Mainriver Actuality.  Gone from Public Purview the last vestiges of Hippie-Ism's Virtue >> the one of Brother and Sister Hood, the one of "Everybody come together now, Try to LOVE one another, right now." 

          The sad thing was,  nobody cared .

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