Saturday, February 12, 2022

Resolve {Re Solve}

           Virtue, in its various Manifestations, was now at CRITICAL Depletion.   An Ancient Dentist Told me, "Conservatism because of Age is NATURAL".  [I recoiled instantly.]  Indeed, Age had chronically Weakened Hippie-Ism.  But this was no "Natural" Affliction. The UNREMITTING Threat of Possible Human ANNIHILATION, the Viet Nam War and Ford's use of "Presidential Pardon" OBLITERATED whatever feeble Resolve remained .   It is Imperative to try and Understand What and How Psychological Dynamics MUTATED the Collective Conscious  allowing for the Transformation from Pure to Corrupt.  

          "Mark Twain" coined "The Gilded Age" and applied it to Post-Civil War Politics and Theatrics.  I'm going to Mimic and apply The 2nd Gilded Age to Post Nixonian Anathema .   The Gilded Age `reflects` ...glittering on the surface, but corrupt underneath" .   From 'Digital History'  this >>>

               "...the late 19th Century was a period of greed and guile:  of rapcious Robber Barons,               unscrupulous spectators, and corporate buccaneers;  of shady practices, scandal plagued politics,      and vulgar display . ".

          Look familiar ?

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