Thursday, February 3, 2022

Glandular Fantasy

           I continue to feel Guilt about NOT Working on The Book---it's everything you think---Shame, disHonesty, Remorse----all those Good Things that "Keep us going"--- .  As with Sword, in the Same Way you want to get to a Point where the Forms Do YOU, so it is with Ryting the Book, I want to get to a 'Place' where there is no 'Work',  a  Place  of  "Non-Doing"  where  the  Book ` Rytes Itself ` .   I admit, it's Glandular  Fantasy,  but  as  Glandular Fantasies  go, it's one of the Best .   `It's` an Ease of Delivery, the one where Universal Energies Flow of their own accord, with Clarity and (oddly) Resiliency,,  to express Thoughts and Thinking in such a manner that Invites 'Reader Absorption'.  Here, the Written Word `embodies` MEANING and does NOT require depth `contexuality`, the one of annoyance and perturbation .   Here, `Reading is Believing` --- the Truth of Truth WITHOUT the menacing aggravations of Suspicion and Doubt .  

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